How I fight insomnia

Samuel Bars
Sleep Better Ninja
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2017

I am going to tell you how I am fighting against the problem that keeps me awake when I’m tired, for already 14 years, considering that I’m 15. I’ll also share what I learned and some tips to sleep better.

I tried everything. I made a therapy, went to the doctor, took foot baths with essential oils, began doing 7 hours of sport per week, started meditation at evening and stopped drinking coffee after 10am.

I kept some habits and lost others, I had highs and lows, in the worst situations I laid in bed for 3 hours, tired like hell and angry as fuck, and in the best moments I got asleep in 15m, feeling euphoric when waking up.

The moments where I had the best results were when I had a strong evening routine. I unplugged 1 hour before bedtime , cleaned my room, brush my teeth, planned next day’s tasks, made some art (draw), and read fiction for 20 to 30mn. All of that made me doze off and I finished myself with a 5mn guided relaxation (look on App Store and else).

I think the most common misconception people have about insomnia is that you can’t affect it by your lifestyle. In fact you don’t need a therapy, a new medicine, a pill or something like that. Yes a pill is going to make you sleep but you’ll be feeling so bad and having so much side effects on your health that it would more healthy to not sleep at all.

The way I can get to sleep, and which I suggest to everybody, is by creating routines and improving my environment. Wearing a sleep mask to relax my eyes, making sure I have no noise during the night, reducing the light before bedtime, eating only slow sugars at dinner, etc.

Based on what I said I said before, the first steps you should take toward better sleep is to make sure your bedroom lets you sleep well, and to start looking for ways to relax before bedtime.

I hope you enjoyed the post, be sure to drop some claps 👏 to show your support, and to follow ✌️if you want to get alerted of the new stories coming, with probably more practical tips, reviews, and guides about insomnia and sleep.

