Surströmming- the stinkiest fish can in the world / 聲名遠播的瑞典鯡魚罐頭

surströmming in ICA supermarket / 瑞典超市ICA裡的鯡魚罐頭

Surströmming is probably one of the most famous (and infamous) food in Sweden. It is so well known that many people know its existence even though they have never been to Sweden. People even give surströmming the name of ‘the stinkiest fish in the world’. To have a better understanding of surströmming, we will discover its invention, the way to enjoy, and my personal experience.

Surströmming is a salted and fermented raw fish which is preserved in a can. The invention of surströmming is likely because people want to preserve the fish they got during the spring, so they can enjoy the fish all year regardless of the season. People usually started to make surströmming at the end of spring, and the fish will be ready in August.

It is not common to eat the only surströmming without any other food. Instead, people usually enjoy surströmming with flatbread, boiled potatoes, red onion, and sour cream. Some people like its special taste and smell, while others throw up immediately once the fish can is opened. Also, it is highly recommended to open the fish can outside the house because the smell and the liquid can easily merge into the wall, furniture, and clothes. This special food is most common in northern Sweden. However, there are many people in the whole country fell in love with the fish because of its taste.

The experience of trying surströmming is a journey if torture. First, the smell is a mixture of durian and fish. And the smell is already unbearable when the can is being opened. At the time, most of my friends had already stayed 20 meters away from the can. Secondly, when you try to pick one piece of surströmming and put it in your mouth, the smell is 10 times worse because the fish is very fermented. Lastly, you will feel a durian bomb exploding, together with a fish texture and salty taste when you try to stall and chew the fish. It was extremely painful to swallow down the fish and I was about to throw up. But I eventually made it and I promise that I will never do it again.

Overall, surströmming is very classic and special food from Sweden. It is originated to preserve the fish in a longer period, then it became a very famous dish around the world for its taste and smell. Even though not everyone likes it, it is always good to give it a try when you visit Sweden.

surströmming / 鯡魚罐頭 photo credit by:江爾歡






Surströmming är en speciell svensk maträtt. Det är fisk som är saltad och sedan jäst. Det har väldigt stark doft och smak. Den uppfanns för flera hundra år sedan, eftersom man ville spara all fisk som man fiskade på våren. Då kunde man äta den resten av året också. Många som inte har smakat surströmming tidigare tycker att det luktar och smakar illa. Men det finns också många som älskar att äta surströmming.

Jag har provat surströmming en gång. Det var förra vinter provade jag surströmming med min kompis som bor i samma lägenhet. När vi öppnade conserver utomhus kände oss en jättestark doft. Många mådde illa och skulle spy. Det var svår att svälja surströmming eftersom den öckliga smaken exploderade i min mun. Jag trort att det är bättre att bara prova surströmming en gång i hela livet.

