7 May

Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2015


Bits for the Weekend is a bi-weekly roundup of links we’re sharing and discussing in the office. Keep up with the daily buzz and follow us on Twitter.

Star Wars Day was the ultimate highlight of our week. We’ve been playing soundtracks on repeat in the office (with the occasional disco remix, of course). We had some fun with #MayThe4thBeWithYou. And now, just for you, we’ve dug up an inside look at the life of the modern Wookie.

Wookie Portraits

Just to continue on the Star Wars wave, here are some Wookie portraits from a Portland-based photographer (winking in Alicia’s direction) to add a bit of fun and weirdness to your afternoon. Mirka

Alicia: Ah yes, I can’t count how many times I’ve been caught sipping a delicious Rainer in my Wookie mask.

My Idol App

Ever wanted to see yourself jump out of a giant pillbox? Well now you can! With hauntingly accurate avatars created in My Idol. The fun doesn’t stop there—walk the runway, threaten to chop off your own fingers, or just snack on a banana!

Alicia: Everyone please, please download this app. It’s seriously the creepiest, most self-indulgent thing I’ve ever seen.
Jonas: Alicia, umm… Do you speak Mandarin?
Alicia: Nooo. Which makes me a bit nervous when my animated avatar starts singing. Or rapping. There’s also a rap video.
Vojta: Buy me a bottle of sake and I’ll show you ;)

Bow down to idols from Jonas and Alicia

Most-used Emojis Revealed

An in-depth analysis of emoji usage on SwiftKey (most popular Android keyboard): “Canadians score highest for the poop emoji compared to other countries.” Vojta

Alicia: Cheers to Canadians being the “better Americans.”

Urban Mobility System Upgrade

Forget Uber and rideshares! This report is digging into how self-driving taxis could change city infrastructures across Europe.

Karl: Reading the executive summary is enough #hint.

Albert Einstein Font

Support this Kickstarter and you’ll be writing like a pro. Or at least adopt the handwriting of a scientific mastermind. There’s got to be some sort of knowledge transference with that…

Karl: I like the idea of the project, the guy, and the font looks surprisingly great. What do you think?
Vojta: I’m not a huge fan of these “celebrity” fonts… And there are plenty.

Court says Skype’s name infringes on Sky

Oh, lol. Sky manages to stay Skype’s European trademark registration on grounds that it infringes on Sky’s own trademark: not only does the word Skype begin with “sky,” but they also use a cloud, “which is a thing commonly found in the sky”… Vojta

How many hours have you spent on My Idol so far? What emojis do you think Einstein would use? Let us know @sleighdogs.




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