Best Roehampton societies to join

Mergim Ozdamar
Sleuth Magazine
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2017

Student clubs are an amazing way to enjoy your life at university. We have collected for you best students societies at Roehampton for each taste.

There are societies for every taste at Roehampton. Credit:

You have successfully enrolled on your course, moved into your new accommodation and all seems to be set up for your new adventure. But, actually, there is one more big decision to make — which student society are you going to be part of? Worry not, we have gathered them all in one place for you, to make the choice easier.

Are you the sporty type?

Roehampton offers various types of sports you can choose from:

Roehampton Tennis Club

You can join the Tennis Club at Roehampton, no matter if you are a beginner or a pro. They organise sessions at both levels.

Presidents: Rebecca Brook, Tim Martin

Horse riding club

Roehampton’s Horse-Riding Club has started running this year again after talks with Sport Roehampton. It consists of a group of riders who range from advanced to absolute beginners. Sport Roehampton buys many vouchers from the Kingston Riding Centre every semester and then sells them to students at a discounted price. This gives you the opportunity to practice riding in London as a student.

You can learn more on Roehampton Horse Riding Club Facebook page.

President— Rachel Culleton

Feeling a little bit arty?

If you think you are more active in the field of art and creativity these clubs are for you.

Roehampton Photography Club

The art of photography can be more fun than you think. It can be an excellent platform to showcase your inner artistic and abstract ability.
Roehampton’s Photography Society gathers people’s enthusiasm to develop their photographic skills. Regardless of the level of your skills, you would be advised and guided on techniques and practices of photography as well as completing projects and learning experiences together. They also organise fun trips to help you get best stunning shots.

President — Ruth Clements:

Roehampton Players

Roehampton Players Society is for everyone who shares the passion and interest for performing whether it is singing, acting or dancing… You already know from Shakespeare that “All the world is a stage” so why not join this society? Their aim is to create productions that are as professional as possible.The society is based in Jubilee Theatre.

President — Callum South

Strictly Come Dancing and metal

If you think you have both a little bit of sports and art in your blood, why not consider one of these clubs?

Dance Society

Dance Society is a perfect way to get fit, have fun and learn one of the most significant parts of the culture! The society offers a variety of classes to choose from and they welcome both pros and amateurs.

President — Georgia Westley

Rock Metal Society

Roehampton Rock Metal Society can help you meet like-minded people who love rock and metal more than everything. It is all about a passion for alternative, metal, pop punk, emo and everything that is about rocking!

President — Matthew Searle

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Mergim Ozdamar
Sleuth Magazine

Writer. Wanderer. Journalist. 🕊 English Literature graduate. MA in Journalism. Istanbul & London