DON’t give up | Havingtime

Plan , Act, Win!

Three simple attributes you need in real life.

Mikko Hicarte
Daily Abstraction
Published in
4 min readDec 1, 2013


In my eighteen or so years in this here world we live in, I have found out three attributes that a person must have in order to maintain some sort of harmony with his or herself. Oddly enough, these three attributes are also key in order to attain both success and happiness in real life.

Without further ado, the three attributes are as follows:

3. Patience

Don’t be like this guy… Err, dog.

There’s this saying ‘Good things come to those who wait’ and this saying, though cliche, has a fair share of reality that goes along with it. Come to think of it, how many times has patience, in cooperation with peace of mind and control, saved our butts from making an obviously impulsive decision?

In short, a little time of waiting won’t hurt you. A little time of holding on to something you know that’s worth it isn't too bad either! And most certainly, a little tolerance and empathy to others who aren't doing as okay as you need or thought of them to has lived to see its share of good comeback stories hasn't it? Remember, almost everything falls in place in a certain amount of time, rushing almost certainly makes things a lot crappier than they should be, and staying calm rather than impulsive in the most crucial situations will help you reach more goals rather than forcing stuff to happen. Plan, act and win is the way to go!

Lastly, take note that in the times you’re extending your patience to somebody, you’re also giving yourself some free time to think about how you should work out things and current problems in your life as well. That’s a win — win if you ask me!

And oh yeah, a lack of patience would lead a person to frustration , stress and a lot of wrinkly features. Who would want any that right?

2. Perseverance

Everything was once impossible. Source

There’s this item in a game called Defense of The Ancients (or DOTA as it’s casually actually referred to) called Perseverance. What it literally gives a hero in the said game is basically all the simple tidbits he or she needs in order to sustain and survive.

Where am I getting at you ask? Simple.

With life comes trials and hardships, trials that will leave you hurting, praying and thinking if you should just give up. In times of trials like this, a normal person would give up and find himself with regrets and what ifs but a person who didn't give up? He wouldn't have any of those. This person who didn't give up would say ‘ so what if I failed? At least I knew the limits of my capabilities…’, shrug off the pain and move along. This person killed the enemy, the enemy that is fear himself, and learned a lot from the various experiences of his pursuit to happiness. The other guy however? He lived in his cave of possibilities.

So, which one of those two persons would you rather be? The one who tried, got hurt and learned a lot or the one who only lived in the possibilities, the promises and what ifs? Remember, nothing came to those who didn't try, so choose wisely.

1. Confidence

RIP Steve Jobs. Source

There is only one person out of the seven billion people in the world that will help you reach every single goal that you wish to achieve in your whole life: You.

Yes, you.

Sure, there’s going to be your parents, relatives and friends that will help you but at the end of the day, it’s just you, standing with your own feet, and if you’re not confident enough or if you’re afraid of what might happen in your future or of the unknown, how do you expect other people to believe in you?

With confidence, you get the ability to do things that will lead you to things that you have never done before. Confidence helps you innovate, persevere and even have the guts to face fear in the face! Confidence helps you believe in the things you fight for and helps you inspire people to do the same. With confidence, you not only make your own destiny, you radiate possibilities, you show people that they can do it too and that every person’s dream can happen as long as they make it happen and as long they’re confident enough to let people see what they’re done.

With confidence, all you do is win. And maybe that’s just what every person in the world needs, a winning attitude and the ability to stretch the possibilities that lay bare in their grasp.

So, what are you waiting for. Plan, Act and Win too starting… now.



Mikko Hicarte
Daily Abstraction

I have nothing to offer anybody, except my own confusion.