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Your Will, Your Hands

A different outlook on destiny and what one belief actually means.

Mikko Hicarte
Daily Abstraction
Published in
4 min readOct 31, 2013


I’m a curious guy.

I have been known by people around me to randomly just ask them rather peculiar questions that may or may not be personal in nature. Sometimes, I even ask them for opinions on stuff that I myself am not even supposed to know! But over the course of the eighteen years I have lived here on Earth, there is this one question that I find really intriguing. It’s a somewhat philosophical question and I find it amusing that my friends, acquaintances and peers all think very differently of it. The question?

Is destiny for real?

RIP wabbit.

It’s a rather simple question right? But if you think about it, this question actually asks you more than just your belief. It asks you how you perceive life, how you go about daily routines and basically how you see what the next second of your life might be like! It’s like a small introduction of your characteristics, tendencies, dispositions and I would actually even go far as saying that this question may actually go and determine a bit of one’s general personality.

Why? Because hey, you can say that ‘yeah, destiny is actually pretty legit and we’re all entrusted with a timeline that is predefined…’ and seem like a guy who pretty much accepts everything that happens to him or say that ‘nah, destiny is just for people who make excuses…’ and seem like a guy who goes on and makes stuff happen in his or her life. Interestingly, your belief with regards to the existence of destiny will only provide you with a short introduction of who you are or how others might see you but in the end it is you who will define how this belief is closely related to your personality just like the saying that goes like:

You are the creator of your destiny!

Take me as an example: I don’t believe that much in destiny. But that does not actually mean that I’m never submissive nor do I think people who believe in destiny makes excuses, I just believe that you need to imply your will to make stuff in your life actually fall into place like you want them to.

Now take a look at my friend: He believes in destiny. He is definitely not submissive nor does he not do anything productive with his time but he still believes. Why? ‘Cause he thinks that hope is lacking in the world and that there are only a select few who can adjust the fate that is brought upon them by destiny. Pessimistic huh?

Now analyze both the situations above. See that both of them are opposites of what might possibly be the so-called ‘characteristics’ of believers and non-believers of destiny. If there is anything to get from the analysis, it’s one thing and this one thing is that the existence of destiny is a mindset in itself. It’s like if you believe in destiny, you’re still bound to will things as they’re not supposed to be but you don’t just believe you’re the one that’s actually doing it. It is in contrast to those who don’t believe in destiny for they believe that most of the things that are happening unto them are products of the effort they put in.

Who is right though?

No one can actually tell for sure, but what we can tell is that, a person’s belief in the existence of destiny is what might possibly atone for certain decisions in his or her life but not necessarily reflect what his way of life may look like.Destiny or no destiny, it is our belief or lack thereof that will lead us to the ending we so deserve.

In the end, it’s actually all about the way in how you will imply your will on a certain situation, that is if you actually do intend to imply your will. In addition, it is in how you actually react to destiny in how it actually favors what it does in it’s own sneaky way. Whether if it let’s you do your thing and brings out results or if it waits for you and pulls random stuff that may help you procreate. Though, I must say, whatever you believe in may or may not produce the results you actually desired, only Father Time can tell.

So, do you believe in destiny?



Mikko Hicarte
Daily Abstraction

I have nothing to offer anybody, except my own confusion.