10 Personal Branding Tips for Coaches, Speakers and Experts

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4 min readSep 25, 2020

While every professional should be monitoring their online presence to protect their reputation, speakers and experts should be going one step further and establishing their personal brand online.

Public Speaking – Photo by Teemu Paananen on Unsplash

With almost every conference or event moving to online video conferencing services, it’s never been more important to boost your online presence. Shaping and maintaining your personal brand is a fantastic way to draw in new customers, retain your audience, and attract event managers.

These ten personal branding tips will help you to learn how to build your personal brand and find out what works for you.

Who Are You?

It might sound self-explanatory, but you need to know who you are and how you want to be seen to build your personal brand. When you’re getting started, spend five to ten minutes listing all of the qualities you think you have, and mark the ones you’d like to be known for in a different colour. This list will help keep you focused as you market yourself.

Social Media Presence

Every professional has a presence on multiple social media platforms as it’s a great place to advertise your services and connect with your audience. The ones you choose to use are up to you, but we recommend having a presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn at the very least.

Social Media – Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

Your Online Reputation

Make sure to protect your personal social media accounts by making them private, and carefully vet what you’re saying on your professional accounts. It’s vital that if you make a mistake, you own up to it and apologise, as your audience will respect you for it.


If you’ve got the time, publishing weekly blogs through Medium, LinkedIn, or your blog is a great way to showcase your expertise and talk in-depth about topics that relate to your industry, niche, or previous speeches.

Video Marketing

As with all speakers, you should have a portfolio of work, which we recommend hosting on YouTube or your website. At Slice, our experts create high-quality video snippets of your previous speeches, write captions, and craft social media content to help show your talents to the world.

Case Studies

Written case studies from previous speaking engagements are a fantastic way to show what you’re capable of. These written accounts can be a powerful way to show future customers that you’re an expert in your field, and that you’ll be a valuable asset for their next event.

Friends — Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Stay Humble

However you build your personal brand, it’s important to stay realistic about your skills and avoid exaggeration. Staying humble not only makes you seem easier to talk to, but clients will quickly figure out if you’re lying, which can ruin your reputation as a speaker.

Ask Your Friends

If you’re not sure what qualities you want to show off, ask your friends what they value about you. This exercise can be a great way to understand how people around you relate to you, particularly as good friends are likely to see the positives in you that you may not.

Build Your Network

What you say in private is just as important as your public persona. Building relationships with other speakers and industry professionals can both help you find speaking engagements, but also will build your reputation as a personable, respectable speaker.

Determine Your Role

Your personal brand will hinge on what you see yourself speaking about. Are you a problem solver? Do you like diving deeper into topics and making connections? Are you passionate about ethical issues? There’s no right answer to this, but knowing the role you want to play can help determine how you market yourself.

What tips do you find useful? Leave a comment below with your experience & tips!

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