Concepts, techniques and papers to build a time-series database.

SlicingDice Team Blog
3 min readApr 29, 2017

Below is a list of many concepts, books and techniques that helped us learn when developing S1search, the database engine that powers SlicingDice.

We all know that developing a database is one of the craziest things to do nowadays (although highly talented developers that have done it before recommend the experience). This happens as not only there are plenty of well established solutions in the market, but also because it’s really challenging technically speaking. So we are trying to give a little help here.

Important Concepts

Here we list some important topics about database architecture, consistency concepts and compression techniques. They aren’t ranked nor ordered in any kind of importance or priority.

Architecture concepts

— Database-related concepts

— Database compression concepts/techniques

Papers, lots of great papers

Below are some database architecture and compression papers. They aren’t ranked nor ordered in any kind of importance or priority.

— Some Interesting Database Papers

— Some Interesting Data Compression Papers



SlicingDice Team Blog

Dev team of SlicingDice — Serverless Data Warehouse and Analytics Database-as-a-service