Restaurant Interior Design — The Best First Impression

Abishek Baskaran
Published in
5 min readMay 16, 2022

A perfectly suited person, an impressive resume, people breaking a sweat at the gym, everybody strives to make a good first impression. What could be the first impression when a person enters a restaurant? Is it the delectable food or the low-cost? Nah! When a person sets a foot inside the restaurant, it is the restaurant interior design which captures his eyes first. A proper ambience, lighting, set up, colour code sets the mood of the customers and want him to stay and taste the food.

Here we take you to the realm of restaurant interior design to sway the customers by the right artistic choices.

Theme sets the base right for Restaurant Interior Design

When it comes to restaurant interior design, a holistic approach would lead to better results. So, the primary step in designing a restaurant is to set the theme/concept right. Based on the location, audience and competition prevailing, choose a theme. Around the world, there are a number of jaw-dropping themed restaurants. In Gurgaon, a cricket-themed brewery, Howzatt, creates an ambience of a stadium making it a go-to place for all the cricket freaks. Based on the theme, design the furniture, create unique names for the food, choose a service style, work on the décor and add special effects. Even the attire of the staff and their accent can be in tune with the theme. Remember creativity has no limit!

Cricket themed restaurant — Howzatt, The Galaxy Hotel, Gurgaon

Layout maximizes the effectiveness

Nobody would enjoy dining in a cramped place or in a area closer to the kitchen or the washroom. Hence it is important to plan the layout of the restaurant based on the area available. A noticeable and welcoming entrance attracts more customers. A robot-themed restaurant can have an automatic slide door whereas fast food outlets can prefer large entrances as they manage more customers in a day. The dining area should also be spacious enough for free flow of movement. One can also have the option of private dining. Make sure the POS system is placed at a place where it would avoid lot of movements thereby increasing the efficiency. Cooking area could be segregated as preparation area, storage area, washing area, etc to maintain hygiene. Also pay attention to the restrooms as customer’s satisfaction relies on that too.

A spacious dining area is more appealing

Lighting and functionality go hand in hand

Every lighting within a restaurant should serve its purpose. A proper lighting sets the mood, increases sales, boosts kitchen productivity and impacts the safety of the customers and employees. Natural light is the best source of light as it is healthier and cost-effective. Large windows, Glass doors, Skylights would be the best option for it. To give a more intimate feel, opt for dim ambient lights and to create an energetic atmosphere install bright lights. Installation of task lighting such as Pendant lights, LED lights is important as it helps the employees to work better and diners to read the menu with no hindrance. Other than this, Accent lighting enhances the architectural beauty in the restaurant by highlighting it. When these are fixed, one could move on to the selection of fixtures such as Chandeliers, Wall Lamps to add beauty to the whole setting.

Clockwise from top — Skylight allows natural light inside, Pendant lights provide task lighting, Light fixtures add beauty, Wall lamp highlights the artworks

Colour is the food for the spirit

One should be picky when it comes to colour scheme as the choice of colours would affect customers’ psychology. Based on the theme of the restaurant, the colour choice should be. For a fine dining restaurant, earthy and dark shades of colours such as brown, orange would work out well as it gives a feel of cosiness and privacy. Whereas bright shades of red and yellow increases the appetite and are mostly used in fast food outlets where turnover rate is given preference. Though bright colours such as blue and purple make customers lose their appetite, they can be used in coffee shops as it makes them thirsty. For an astounding result, make sure you maintain the balance among the colours used.

A perfect balance of colours allures the visitors

Art transcends every barrier

Exquisite artworks, in tune with the entire layout, theme and food served makes wonders enhancing the overall restaurant interior design. A positive space is the one which is filled with iconic artworks, local galleries, mural, graffiti, street art, etc. DIYs are the best way to stand out of the crowd as well as keep it within budget. Custom-made furniture, minimalist shelving, low-maintenance plants, self-made lighting fixtures also adds to the artistic works of the restaurant. Old bulbs used as hanging flowerpot, plants in cans, giving space for the local artist to display his works are the best DIY. Even plates, spoons arranged in a specific pattern on the wall looks enthralling. If restaurant owner is an artist himself, he can even feature his personal collections.

Clockwise from top — Mural painting, Minimalist Art Gallery, Small Can used as a plant holder, Old Bulbs put to use as a hanging flower pot

With the world welcoming highly cropped and edited pictures, your restaurant interior design would fetch you more views on social media which in turn would increase the number of customers visiting the place. Pick up the paint brush and go creative!

Author: Gaysel, Published by Abishek for SlickPOS.

