Examples of strong problem statements in research papers, business proposals

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4 min readMar 19, 2024


Problem statements are pivotal elements across various domains, including research, business, and presentations. They encapsulate the essence of an issue, providing a clear understanding of the problem’s significance and the need for its resolution. Crafting robust problem statements is essential for setting the stage, guiding subsequent actions, and garnering support from stakeholders. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the critical characteristics of effective problem statements and provide detailed examples to illustrate their application in research papers, business proposals, and presentations.

Characteristics of Strong Problem Statements:

1. Clarity and Conciseness:

A robust problem statement communicates the issue clearly and succinctly, avoiding ambiguity or unnecessary complexity. Clear language ensures that readers or stakeholders grasp the problem’s essence without confusion.


“The proliferation of counterfeit pharmaceuticals in developing countries undermines public health efforts, jeopardizing patient safety and exacerbating drug resistance.”

2. Specificity:

Strong problem statements are specific, focusing on particular aspects of the broader issue. This specificity facilitates targeted analysis and resolution, preventing efforts from becoming diluted or misguided.


“The lack of access to affordable childcare facilities in urban centers impedes workforce participation among single parents, particularly mothers, perpetuating cycles of poverty and inequality.”

3. Importance and Relevance:

Effective problem statements underscore the significance and relevance of the issue within its context. They may incorporate statistics, trends, or real-world examples to emphasize the urgency of addressing the problem.


“The prevalence of mental health disorders among college students is on the rise, with implications for academic performance, retention rates, and overall student well-being.”

4. Measurability and Observability:

A strong problem statement defines the issue in a manner that allows for quantification and observation. This facilitates the assessment of proposed solutions’ efficacy and progress towards resolution.


“The decline in customer satisfaction scores, as evidenced by increased complaint rates and declining repeat business, signals underlying issues in service quality and customer experience.”

5. Root Cause Analysis:

Identifying the root cause of the problem adds depth to the problem statement, guiding subsequent actions or research efforts towards addressing underlying issues rather than mere symptoms.


“The widening socio-economic gap in access to quality education opportunities stems from systematic disparities in funding allocation, resource distribution, and educational policies.”

Examples Across Different Domains:

Research Paper:

Problem Statement: The absence of standardized diagnostic criteria and treatment protocols for rare neurological disorders complicates accurate diagnosis and optimal patient management, leading to delays in care and suboptimal health outcomes.

-This problem statement identifies a specific issue within the domain of rare neurological disorders.

-It highlights the lack of standardized diagnostic criteria and treatment protocols, emphasizing the complexity of accurate diagnosis and patient management.

-The consequences of this problem are outlined, including delays in care and suboptimal health outcomes, which underscores the urgency of finding solutions.

-By addressing this problem, researchers aim to improve patient care and health outcomes in the context of rare neurological disorders.

Business Proposal:

Problem Statement: The inefficiencies in our procurement processes, characterized by manual workflows, fragmented communication channels, and lack of supplier diversification, result in cost overruns, missed deadlines, and compromised product quality.

-This problem statement addresses challenges within the procurement processes of a business.

It identifies specific inefficiencies such as manual workflows, fragmented communication channels, and lack of supplier diversification.

-The impact of these inefficiencies on the business is highlighted, including cost overruns, missed deadlines, and compromised product quality.

-The goal of addressing this problem is to streamline procurement processes, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall performance and competitiveness of the business.


Powerpoint problem statement: The absence of robust employee training and development programs within our organization contributes to skill gaps, decreased job satisfaction, and diminished employee engagement, hindering our ability to retain top talent and foster a culture of innovation.

-This problem statement focuses on challenges related to employee training and development within an organization.

-It identifies the absence of robust training programs as a key issue contributing to skill gaps, decreased job satisfaction, and diminished employee engagement.

-The consequences of these challenges, including the hindrance to talent retention and fostering a culture of innovation, are emphasized.

-Addressing this problem is essential for enhancing employee skills, satisfaction, and engagement, ultimately contributing to organizational success and innovation.


Crafting compelling problem statements is a fundamental step in various endeavors, guiding actions and facilitating meaningful solutions. By adhering to the key characteristics outlined in this article and drawing inspiration from the provided examples, individuals can enhance the clarity, specificity, and impact of their problem statements. A well-crafted problem statement serves as a guiding beacon, directing efforts towards positive outcomes and lasting impact.



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I'm Radha, a presentation designer at Slide Egg with over 2 years of experience. Passionate about design, I bring ideas to life through visually stunning slides