What does the client logo list say?

Jan Schultink
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2017


It takes some time for a startup to get traction with major clients. Putting a logo grid slide in your pitch deck can say a number of things, and a smart investor will figure it out in 2 minutes:

  • These major global brands have put our solution on their mission-critical systems
  • These are companies you have never heard of, but believe they have all paid $500k for our product and are processing 500m transactions through it
  • These 15 major clients are using our product, but nobody is paying for it
  • We have done 3 really successful pilots with these local companies and they can testify that our technology is flawless
  • My uncle knows someone at this global brand and he has started a dialogue with them about using the product.
  • “That small logo with the Hebrew letters down there in the corner? Good question. That is the Israeli military that has deployed our firewall software on all their servers”
  • Apple, Google, Facebook, Porsche? Yes, we spotted these domains in incoming traffic to our landing page for our SAAS product.

A logo list on its own is not enough to tell your story.

Now that we are on the subject of logos. It can be tricky to create a nice logo grid where all the images line up correctly. My presentation design app SlideMagic makes doing that very easy. It is not possible, not to line up the logos correctly…

Originally published at www.slidemagic.com.



Jan Schultink

Founder of business presentation app SlideMagic. Professional presentation designer.