Business Model Canvas Explained: How To Create One Effectively?

Editor - SlideModel
Published in
5 min readJun 16, 2022

Are you aware of the time taken to create an effective business model?

If yes, you must be aware of the consequences if there are unidentified gaps post executions.

Business models require a detailed evaluation to analyze their effectiveness. A business model canvas is a visual representation focused on organizing the presented models for easy assessment. The application differs from various organizations, and the understanding lies in the details. This guide will help you learn the bases of creating a business model canvas, along with examples of some top brands.

Let’s start by understanding the meaning of a business model canvas and its importance for organizations.

What Is A Business Model Canvas?

A business model is a core aspect irrespective of the size of a business. It helps identify the available opportunities and the right ways to make the most of them. A step-by-step breakdown ensures organizations take appropriate steps and efficiently use the available resources. It takes time, effort, and prediction of upcoming challenges to create a model. But frequently, businesses are surprised with severe difficulties that weren’t a part of it. A business model canvas saves businesses from unwanted surprises by presenting a clear picture of the organizational structure and operations.

Let’s start by understanding the basics of a Business Model Canvas.

What Constitutes A Business Model Canvas (BMC)?

Start by getting rid of the myth that a BMC is only applicable to new models. It helps compare existing models, adjusts a model, or create a new one. The major focus remains intact on saving businesses from wasting time and resources. It presents the most crucial parts of a business operation to show reality. Here are the areas that it covers to help you make the right decisions:

Target Audience: Who Are The People You Are Selling To?

Knowing your target audience or customer segments helps you develop efficient business strategies. A simple analysis is required of demographics, customer interest, pain points, core challenges, etc. Your presented model should align with the requirements of your buyers.

Value Propositions: What Makes Your Idea Unique?

How does your product or idea provides value to your ideal customers? How are you better than your competitors? If you introduce something new, what challenges will your product help them overcome?

This section includes answers to questions concerning customer pain points. It is one of the most crucial sections, as your success depends on the value you provide.

Customer Relationships: Establishing A Connection

How do you present your value propositions in front of your customer segments? You must convince your customers that your business provides the value it advertises. Analyzing and understanding audience engagement helps in devising better strategies to achieve results.

Channels Of Distribution: Delivering The Product

The section involves every step required in distributing the products or delivery of services. All the financial transactions, suppliers involved, and the steps required for successful delivery come under it.

Revenue Streams: Tracking The Cash Flow

This section involves the steps required to receive the final amount after a sale. Who are the intermediaries involved? What processes are used for tracking money? All core information regarding the cash flow is maintained.

Day-to-day Operations

The success of a business depends on the daily operations taking place. It’s crucial to distribute the day-to-day tasks to each team that contributes to the bigger picture.

Major Resources Used

Cover every core asset used or required in the process. This includes a specific supplier, selected storefront, special intellectual property, etc.

Key Partnerships: Outsourcing Weak Areas

Are there any key processes you would like to outsource? Is there any cost-efficient method of hiring through supporting businesses? Focus on model strengths and invest your resources in them. Also, identify the weaknesses and move the functions to selected partners capable of handling them.

Cost Structure: Determining The Major Expenses

Identify the fixed and variable costs in the business model. Then, divide them into key resources, partnerships, distribution channels, etc. Next, work on creating a plan if the predicted cost exceeds the actual cost.

You must analyze all these sections individually and collectively to create an effective Business Model Canvas.

Examples Of Business Model Canvas

Now let’s look at some business model canvas examples of top brands for better understanding.


Here are the major areas of focus that helps Amazon maintain its position as one of the top eCommerce brands out there:

  • Prioritizes a seamless customer experience and continually takes steps to improve it.
  • Maintains its positions by setting a standard for sellers and is quick to remove them when they fail to adhere. During the pandemic, sellers who inflated the prices of sanitizers were quickly removed from the platform.
  • The value proposition includes a customer-centric approach focused on providing high-quality products, a wide range of selection, quick delivery, and an affordable price. Amazon rightly stands by its value propositions, providing customers the service they expect.
  • Creates a friendly corporate culture that offers a competitive salary and leads to employee growth.


Did you know that Netflix switched from a per-rental model per DVD to a subscription model?

As it turns out, the subscription model became a huge success, and the platform is now available for streaming in over 190 countries.

Here are the core elements of its business model canvas:

  • The value proposition involves providing on-demand entertainment irrespective of the place, time, or device used.
  • The market segment is wide, and the partners include broadcasters and production companies. Netflix is currently focused on releasing many originals to put itself out there.
  • One of the key factors contributing to customer satisfaction is the algorithm consistently making suggestions based on the viewer’s history. It keeps the viewers engaged and is likely to respond due to their viewing preferences.

Key Takeaways

  • A business model canvas helps visually present your business model to provide a clear picture and identify gaps before investing resources.
  • A BMC consists of several sections that businesses must analyze individually and collectively to devise effective strategies.
  • It includes customer segments, value propositions, customer relationships, distribution channels, revenue streams, day-to-day operations, major resources used, key partnerships, and cost structure.
  • Most top brands focus on using a customer-centric approach to obtain the desired results.

