Talking Good Days and Bad Days with Mike Cutler: Community Conversations

Jonathan Baker
Slight Pause
Published in
4 min readMay 19, 2020

The beauty of talking to our community is being able to share not only their thoughts and tips when it comes to productivity and focus, but also to share a bit about the ups and downs of life. For the second edition of Community Conversations, I spoke with Mike Cutler, Production Manager at a local public access television station in Green Mountain State, Vermont. A job that requires juggling multiple tasks, from producing live recordings, editing content, to overall production of the studio, and, of course, live Zoom meetings. The broadcasting life never stops.

While being busier than ever at work, he admits maintaining productivity isn’t his “strong suit”, something that I can identify with personally. What I learned from Mike is it’s crucial to feel like you’re making progress and heading in the right direction. If you have a to-do list, make sure to tackle it. As Mike puts it, “My personal view of being productive is getting things done on your to-do list. I try to have a list of things I need to work on/complete. Some items are quicker than others and can be completed in one day, and others need more time.”

Hey Mike, thanks for taking the time to talk to me. I’m curious to hear what the daily routine of a Production Manager sounds like?

Mike: “My daily routine varies, as I try not to go into the office every day. Days I stay home, I maintain communication with other staff members, but mostly have a laid back day. Days I am in the office, I am usually in to take meetings face-to-face (maintaining social distance), so that is my focus. My biggest thing has been making sure to be active during all of this, so going for walks and bike rides have been my way to get outside and enjoy the nice, warmer weather.”

With all of this variety every day, how do you maintain focus, and when do you feel like you’re in your best working-flow?

Mike: “Maintaining focus while working is, honestly, not my strong suit. I’m working on multiple things throughout the day and multitasking on those items, trying to accomplish more. I’m also a freelance photographer and videographer, and I feel like first thing in the morning or at night I feel my most productive if I have work to be doing for clients. Unfortunately, my freelance work has come to a halt due to the current global situation, but you can see more of it here.”

At what point do you feel like you’re most productive?

Mike: “I would say I feel productive for several hours out of my day. I use a sleep app called Rise, which also calculates your peak and low energy spots during the day based on your sleep the previous night, and I feel it is fairly accurate. When it says my ‘Peak Morning Energy’ is approaching, I do feel a bit more juice in the tank to get things done. I’m lucky as my full-time job and freelance work are things I really enjoy doing, so at some points, it doesn’t even feel like work.”

I’d love to hear whether you have any tips to help maintain a good mental level when working from home?

Mike: “I definitely work for a period of time and then take some time to do other things around the house for a bit — spread the work out. My wife is on week six of working from home, and she is handling it well. She has a lot of meetings to run virtually, but she takes time to make sure to eat, exercise, walk, and try to keep as much of a routine as possible.”

For both your private and professional life, how important to you is email as a tool for communication?

Mike: “Email is a very important tool in the communication toolbox. It is amazing that we can email someone halfway around the world instantly. Email is my main point of contact at my job and as a freelancer, so it’s crucial that I stay on top of who is emailing me, and if it needs my attention then, answer it. If not, I’ll reply later. That is why I like Tempo…emails that aren’t as important as others you can deal with later, but if it is important, make them a VIP and know instantly if they reply.”

Do you have any specific email routines?

Mike: “No, no specific routines. Once the email is dealt with, let it be gone, clean up the Inbox. Though, that is something I need to work on personally.”

“…you have great days of productivity and others where it just isn’t there…and that’s alright…”

Yeah, I hear that. What would you say is your worst habit when it comes to focus and productivity?

Mike: “My worst habit has been already mentioned: maintaining focus to be as productive as possible. Something I am working on…you have great days of productivity and others where it just isn’t there…and that’s alright, if we are granted tomorrow, make sure you make up and be productive then.”

If you have a unique way of approaching productivity, we’d love to hear from you.

