Scrolling and animations maybe extremely bad for you

Infinite scroll is not good

Slightly Better
2 min readNov 14, 2023


Have you ever tried focusing on a fast moving object? It’s not easy. Like when you’re in a moving vehicle and you’re trying to focus on objects close by. After a while it might start hurting your eyes.

Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash

Eyeballs move with the help of muscles that control them. When you’re constantly trying to focus on fast moving objects, they fatigue out. Another factor is – maintaining focus on the moving object. Constant focus for long hours is hard for the eyes. It gets harder with moving targets again, and with looking at sources of light around dark backgrounds.

Today, many many apps have infinite scrolls now. As opposed to pagination. We scroll real fast while scanning the page to find our next interest. Our eye muscles are constantly moving and scanning continuously for a long time. Even reading on the phone has the same effect. The width of phones being small, our eyes have to switch to the next line very frequently. Adding on to this, we also do this in dark mode. Due to this the muscles around our eyes can get fatigued causing headaches or vision problems.

Photo by Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash

So the next time you’re using an app with an infinite scroll, make sure to not do it for too long. It’s best if we could stay away from such apps, but that’s easier said than done. Let’s limit the animations and scrolls on our phones. Because after all, isn’t vision more important than some flashy animations?



Slightly Better

Product Designer with expertise in web technologies | Poet | Vegetarian | VDNTH.COM