Angular and Benefits of Angular

SLIIT FOSS Community
3 min readMar 27, 2022

What is Angular?

It becomes easy to build web apps if you are using the Angular development framework. It is an amazing combination of declarative templates, integrated best practices, dependency injection, and end-to-end tooling. If you know how to leverage advanced features for angular app development, then it can come in quite handy in overcoming challenges along the way. Learn more about angular best practices from best Angular tutorials.

But for what reasons should you consider using this technology framework? For that, let us consider some of its advantages.

Pros of Angular

1-MVC Architecture

When you are developing a client-side application, using Model view controller architecture adds value to the framework as well as sets the foundation for other features such as scopes and data binding.

You can use it to support the separation of concerns and isolate the app logic from the UI layer. All the requests go directly to the controller which then operates using the mode to prepare the data that the view requires. Then View utilizes this data prepared by the controller to display the final presentable response.

2-Enhanced Design Architecture

Large web apps are built with a variety of components. Managing all of these components is not easy. But using angular framework simplified the entire process so that even a new programmer joining the project after the development process has begun will have no difficulty understanding it. The architecture of the framework itself is built in such a way that it helps developers create or locate the code easily.


AngularJS uses the modular programming approach, where an application consists of several modules. Each module has a specific role and creates a separation of concerns.

4-Data Binding

You might have heard about data binding. Data binding means that your data can be displayed in different views and changes made in one view will automatically reflect in another view without writing any additional code. AngularJS provides two-way data binding, which means that both the views and model are updated when there is a change in the view or model respectively.

5-Services and Dependency Injection (DI)

Services are JavaScript functions, which are responsible for performing only specific tasks. They are singleton objects which get instantiated only once in the app. Services are wired together using the Dependency Injection mechanism. DI is a software design pattern that deals with how components get hold of their dependencies. Angular has its own DI framework, which is typically used in the design of Angular applications to increase their efficiency and modularity. This makes it easier to develop, test, and ultimately maintain large angularJS applications.


Angular allows you to extend HTML with new attributes called directives. The ng-app directive defines an Angular application, the ng-model directive binds the value of HTML controls (input, select, text area) to application data and the ng-bind directive binds application data to the HTML view.

7-TypeScript: better tooling, cleaner code, and higher scalability

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing to the language. TypeScript code is compiled into JavaScript that can be read by any browser making it an ideal choice for building client-side applications.

Static typing provides many benefits to developers such as improved tooling, fewer runtime errors, and cleaner code. The type checking performed by the compiler allows IDEs to provide refactoring tools such as intelligent auto-complete and quick fixes for common coding mistakes. Runtime errors can be caught at compile time which allows for more robust code that performs better at scale.


There are many more advantages of using the Angular development framework but to convince you I think the ones we discussed here are sufficient and if you want to find out more pros, why don’t you give it a try?

