UI design and UX design

Kavindu Chethani
SLIIT Women In FOSS Community
3 min readSep 24, 2022

When using a website, app or other you interact with screens, buttons, toggles, icons, and other visual components, which are referred to as user interfaces (UI). UX describes your overall experience using a product, including your feelings during that experience. In this article you will be introducing to UI and UX design.

Table of content

1.) What is user interface design?

2.) What is user experience design?

3.) What is difference between UI/UX design?

4.) What is UI/UX designers do?

What is user interface design?

User Interface (UI) design is the process, that designers use to build interfaces in software or computerized devices, focusing on visual appearance. User Interface is the complete form of UI design.

To creating UI the designers should have a good sense of aesthetics and technical skill. The elements of UI design include text, images, videos, forms including buttons, tags, text fields, checkboxes, drop-down lists, graphic designs. When you saw a website, your first impression and the visual of a website is a due to UI designer.

What is User Experience design?

User Experience design is the process of creating connections between a business, its products, and its consumers. User experience design is the process of investigating, creating, and enhancing every element of a customer’s engagement with a company’s product. The objective is to enhance the user’s experience with the product through test findings, ultimately producing a useful and valuable product that is also simple to purchase and enjoyable to use.

A product that offers a positive user experience benefits from UX design. It encompasses a variety of fields, including graphic design, interaction design, usability, and others.

What is difference between UI/UX design?

There is always overlap between UI and UX design, but do you truly understand the distinctions between the two? User experience design (UX) and user interface design (UI) are two terms that are used interchangeably. Although they play diverse responsibilities, they have a strong link in product design.

UX is how something functions, whereas UI refers to how something appears. UI is a deliverable, but UX is a process. But because they frequently work in symbiosis with one another, individuals frequently mistake the two.

What is UI/UX designers do?

The following are some of the main duties of a UX designer:

Analyse the demands of the business and transform them into an engaging experience. The user journey’s structure is mapped out by the UX designer. UX designers work with consumers’ psychology and behaviour to create solutions or products that appeal to the intended audience.

The following are some of the main duties of a UI designer:

Colours, texture, shape, and form are all factors that product designers take into consideration while creating a design. They employ a visual hierarchy to direct the user’s actions. UI designers include interactive and visual components into designs. They also have responsibilities for improving the responsiveness and usability of the website.

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