Ooze Finance NFT sold for 19k USD

Mr. G
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2022

An Ooze Finance NFT was recently listed on PaintSwap for 52,000 FTM, current USD value 19,000, within moments it was sold. The second largest single purchase ever recorded on PaintSwap!

Source: Ooze.Finance

What makes this NFT so valuable?

Ooze Finance is a daily ROI dApp where a player deposits ooze by minting an NFT. This NFT becomes a certificate of deposit that yields a daily 1% of the balance, that can be claimed or compounded.

This particular NFT is called “OOZE GURU APE”, and looks like this

Source: Ooze.Finance

The main factor explaining the price is the monastery attached to the NFT.

Source: Ooze.Finance

Minting an Order of Slime NFT the holder can get disciples, either by minting themselves, by selling minted NFTs or by recruiting new players/investors to Ooze Finance.

This particular NFT has one of the largest monasteries, which can yield a substantial growth factor for the NFT, if played correctly. As you can see from the picture above, if the player were to only claim, the Max Payout would only make them break even with their purchase. The Max Payout increases with compounds, and the Max Balance can be increased by depositing new Ooze (which don’t necessarily entail fresh capital, but can be done by claiming and redepositing). In other words — this is an investor that believes in the platform, and has long-term goals.

The lucky new owner of “OOZE GURU APE” has deep pockets, and a good instinct — Ooze brings something new and innovative to the dApp scene!

If you want to check out Ooze head over to https://dapp.ooze.finance with some USDC on Fantom network in your wallet, and enter the manhole. With ooze ready, go to the sewer to mint you NFT! Consider using @SlimeHive as your guru to join the Slimebees and the largest grand monastery in Ooze! SlimeHive offer max kickbacks and other incentives for those contributing to the prosperity of Ooze!

Want to learn more about Ooze?

Check out these articles:

Nothing in this article is to be construed as investment advice. Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. The article may contain affiliate links.



Mr. G

Social anthropologist, robot-developer, blockchain enthusiast.