Why We are Thrilled to Co-Build Uncover
Slimmer AI partners with two lawyers turned entrepreneurs to transform the legal industry
We all know the images from TV and film — a stressed lawyer surrounded by heaps of documents, desperately trying to sort the facts and find that “needle in a haystack” that will support their case. But it’s not just a Hollywood exaggeration; it’s the daily reality for litigators worldwide.
This is the problem Caroline Korteweg and Ingrid van de Pol-Mensing are solving with Uncover. Created by lawyers for lawyers, Uncover uses the latest AI technology to give lawyers superpowers — freeing up their time and helping them focus on winning the case.
According to Bloomberg Law’s 2021 Law Firm Benchmarks Study, one of the main challenges law firms face is being able to meet increased demand for legal services without burning out their lawyers. Their analysis shows that bandwidth seems to be stretched thin as more attorneys are seeing their colleagues overworked (37%) and their firms lack sufficient personnel to handle the current workload (33%) — increases of 25 and 22 percentage points, respectively, since 2020.
As Caroline and Ingrid say, “Lawyers spend 30-40% of their time ploughing through documents, focusing on the factual information, trying to make sense of the case file. It is fundamental but extremely inefficient and time-consuming work, resulting in lawyers longing for more hours in a day while clients are demanding more efficiency. We searched long and hard for solutions in the market but came up empty-handed: none give litigators what they need.”
Leveraging AI, Uncover creates a searchable, automatically structured set of documents and offers a drafting tool that makes referring to and attaching exhibits a mouse-click away. Where lawyers used to spend hours and hours on building a timeline of events that is foundational to building their case, Uncovers’ AI automatically generates that timeline. The result? Freeing up substantial amounts of precious time for lawyers to focus on what litigation is all about: winning cases for their clients.
We are thrilled to have the opportunity to build Uncover with Caroline and Ingrid, here are our top 3 reasons:
1 Inspiring founders: Working with amazing founders like Caroline and Ingrid is the most inspiring part of being a venture studio! It is great to see how they embrace tech entrepreneurship and rapidly learn new skills while leveraging their legal experience. We knew we were on to something special when they presented a fully fleshed out Figma demo of their product vision — not a skill most lawyers would have! And we love founders with deep personal experience and passion for the problem they are solving: combined Caroline and Ingrid have 15 years of litigation experience at top-rated law firms.
2 The latest in AI tech: What we’re building with Uncover couldn’t have been done just a few years ago. Recent advances in text extraction and named entity recognition (read about our latest R&D here), combined with recent computational advances, allow us to accurately extract relevant events (dates and entities) from unstructured case material. Uncover is using the latest AI tech to future-proof the art of litigation and give law firms a new competitive advantage.
3 A market that is catching up: We’ve long been wary of the legal space, given the historical slow adoption of new technology solutions. But the legal tech market is transforming and starting to rapidly grow — expected to reach $25 billion by 2025. This growth is driven by changing pressures from clients, difficulty in hiring and keeping talent, and new technological capabilities. We believe this is the right time to enter the legal market and help drive this transformation.
Uncover is another excellent example of Slimmer AI’s mission to apply AI to power people’s work — building products and companies to help people make better decisions and do less routine work. We are excited to welcome them to the Slimmer AI portfolio!
If you have an idea for a B2B SaaS business, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can learn more about our approach on our website, www.slimmer.ai.