A Slinger Interview: Enter the Wacky & Wonderful World of ItsThibs

Comedic storyteller ItsThibs proves that inspiration can appear in unlikely forms (and often when we least expect it) — but the only person who can motivate you to stop dreaming and start doing is YOU.

Team Slinger
Slinger Community
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2016


Humans are creative by nature. We like to communicate and we like to experiment with different ways of expressing ourselves. These days, the accessibility of smartphone cameras and video apps like Snapchat and Slinger make it easy for almost anyone to create and share videos with their friends or a wider audience.

So why are some of us still hesitant to get out there and broadcast our stories to the world?

We talked to comedic storyteller ItsThibs to find out what motivated him to start creating videos and why he wants his fans around the globe to share their own stories, too!

Advice for Aspiring Storytellers

When it comes to making videos and other creative pursuits, ItsThibs (known as Thibault in the offline world) has one simple piece of advice: get started!

But getting started is easier said than done, a fact ItsThibs knows all to well. Here’s his full take on the challenges of starting something new:

Got a good video idea? GET STARTED!

This is advice I would give for any type of creating, not only for creating videos. Don’t keep brainstorming new ideas, but focus in on the ones you already have! This may seem obvious, but it’s a mistake many people make over and over again. When I first decided I wanted to make videos, I kept writing down funny ideas for videos — but then I never actually took the time to make them! I would think to myself, “Once I have enough ideas, then I’ll start filming.” I fell into a trap where I never created videos out of my ideas. Right now, I have around 100 pages full of potential video ideas! If I hadn’t forced myself to stop brainstorming and start creating, that number would be even higher and I’d have nothing to share with my fans.

My other piece of important advice is don’t be afraid of other people’s reactions. If creating videos (or art or music or anything!) is really what you want and love, then go put yourself out there and give it your all. Don’t let anyone stop you from following your dreams; this is your life, not theirs.”

How an Internet Fad I Didn’t Even Participate in Sparked My Passion for Creating Videos

Taking those first steps to start creating your own videos can be daunting, even for natural storytellers and comedians. ItsThibs got his unlikely start after a charity-based internet craze showed him that just about anyone is capable of creating and sharing videos online.

“My first ever video was the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Everyone was doing it at the time, but I didn’t want my video to be like everyone else’s. I wanted to be creative, so I made something a little different — but then decided not to post it online. However, from that moment I was inspired to start writing down ideas for other videos I wanted to make. At first, I didn’t really get around to making videos I wanted share, but I did start sending funny Snapchat videos to my friends.

Once Snapchat came out with its Stories feature, I posted a few silly public snaps and people seemed to like them. I suddenly had new followers from different countries! That’s when I decided to start my own YouTube channel. I made my first video last summer and began posting weekly. However, when I graduated and got my first job, it became more difficult to make videos for YouTube. I was only posting once a month, but I continued to create short Snapchat videos.

When I found out about Slinger, I immediately downloaded it — and I fell in love with the app! I uploaded some of my older Snapchat stories on it and received even more positive feedback. Then the founder of Slinger, Chris Carmichael, got in touch with me and encouraged me to keep up the good work — and that really motivated me to keep creating! I’m even thinking about doing a show for my Slinger account in the future.”

Laughter is the Best Medicine

When asked to describe the style of storytelling featured in his videos, ItsThibs emphasized his love of humor and making people laugh.

“My style is funny and silly. Basically everything I do is to make my audience smile. If people follow me on Slinger they can expect to see comedy sketches, Snapchat stories, and lots of other funny stuff.”

Ongoing Sources of Inspiration

Although the popularity of the Ice Bucket Challenge inspired him to create his first ever video, ItsThibs has since developed a passion for making videos for his viewers on YouTube, Snapchat, and Slinger. His optimistic outlook on life allows him to draw inspiration from everyday encounters and his growing fan base helps him stay motivated, too.

“I’ve always loved to entertain. Once I saw what people my age were doing on Vine and YouTube, I wanted to be a part of it. Now I have a small group of fans who really motivate me to keep creating.

I come up with different ideas throughout the day. If I have an idea, I immediately write it down on my phone (that’s why I have hundreds of video ideas saved up!). If I see something that makes me laugh, I can’t help but think about how I could make it into a funny video.”

This interview was conducted as part of a series of posts featuring Slinger’s most engaged creators. Follow ItsThibs on Slinger for a hilarious glimpse into the life of a true entertainer.

