Sparks Fly

Tips on how to turn your long-term relationship into a hot spot.

A.j Thomas
Published in
5 min readSep 7, 2022


Photo by Daphne on Unsplash

It’s all sweet talk and dressing up, primping for hours, making sure your make up is perfect. You go to special lengths to ensure your outfit looks great on you, that your bra and panties match to make sure that special someone takes the bait you are setting up to lure him in hook line and sinker.

In the beginning, you pretend to listen to her every word, tell her she looks great in everything when she asks you if those jeans make her butt look big. You tell her that her lasagna is the best you have ever tasted, even better than your mother's when it so awful that the dog you were secretly feeding under the table won’t even touch it.

My question is why? Why do we pretend to be someone that we aren’t so someone that we have strong feelings for will like us? What makes us think that they won’t like us for who we truly are? Do we think that they are going to see our crazy too soon and go running in the other direction?

It is said that you determine whether or not you like someone within the first minute of meeting them, and even before then, we give them a once over to see if we are even going to talk to them. How can anyone possibly make an accurate and informed decision on whether someone is meant for you in less than a minute?



A.j Thomas
Slinging Some Ink

Literary gutter vixen words of love and lust, sprinkled in pixie dust.