Tech Update #1

SlingShot DAO
4 min readMay 17, 2023


Greetings, fellow slingers!

We are thrilled to have you join us on this exciting journey, and we’re glad to be sharing the first Slinghot DAO tech update with you!

Whether you’re a seasoned Web3 pro or just dipping your toes into the world of decentralized applications, our goal is to keep you all in the loop on the latest tech updates and in time give you a sneak peek at some of the awesome new features we’ve been working on.

Buckle up and get ready to dive into the nuts & bolts of what’s been happening behind the scenes. LFG!

Who is this update for?


When will new releases be made?

We believe that our community deserves to be in the know about what we’re working on and the progress we’re making. By keeping you all informed with a constant stream of updates, we hope to build trust and foster a sense of collaboration that’s essential to our success.

We are committed to delivering regular updates, with a weekly release planned for every Wednesday. We do not want to sit on new features for months, we want them out of the door and being used by the community as soon as possible. Of course, we’re not perfect, and sometimes major issues can crop up unexpectedly. In those cases, we’ll make additional hot-fix updates to ensure everything is running smoothly.

Stay tuned, and let’s build the future of Slingshot together!

What is in this release?

This release has been mainly focused on fixing niggling issues we did not spot (or have time to fix) prior to going live as well as adding a few new smaller features.

New Features

We are excited to have gone live with our first community proposal and have implemented a banner on the home page to link to the SLING Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool, where community members and aspiring community members alike can swap $SLING/USDC.

Another addition is a new governance page to act as a hub for community members to discover the various governance resources available to them.


First up, we’ve improved the display of numbers across the app, in order to make them easier to read and more consistent. In order to do this we implemented the d3-format library.

This is an example of the new and improved number display:

We’ve tackled some pesky UI issues, including making subtitles multi-line and fixing overflow for those long idea names. We’ve also added meta information to ideas, so when sharing them on social media, they look unique and do not just use the default Slingshot meta information for the preview.

Some of the error messages across the app were only readable by robots and fellow nerds, so we have updated them to be a bit more friendly and user readable for if/when things go wrong.

Before the improvement:

Vs its brand new polished version!

There have also been a host of minor fixes to fix typos and scrolling issues on the wallet page and the idea submission tool.

Thanks to all of you who have given feedback and suggestions so far. We are looking forward to hearing from you guys what you think we should be working on next!

On a personal note

I am excited to be a part of this journey with you all, and very much looking forward to hearing what you guys would like to see us improve or create next within the platform. I have a good number of ideas myself that I would like to share with you. These include, but are not limited to;

Better idea onboarding

I think we can all agree that the current WYSIWYG editor used for the idea descriptions is a little poor, and it is in dire need of a refresh. As a stop gap improvement, TinyMCE would add a lot more control to the layout and the option to add a lot more plugins to the editor as time goes by.

User Profiles

I don’t know about you, but I would really like to have a better idea of who the other people in the community are, so I feel it would be a good idea to add public user profiles, so everyone can see a little bit of information about the ideators and the supporters.

A Mobile Web App

At the moment >= 50% of the platform access has been through mobile devices, but the platform does not support mobile usage. I think an MVP mobile web app allowing community members to view ideas and vote would be a big improvement.

Please let me know if you have any ideas or thoughts, if you do, jump over to discord and let me know!

Much love,

Mike | Engineering

