Blurring memories #6

One week — Post Op.

Kedar Undale
2 min readDec 28, 2016


Ahh thankfully the days are going by like a flash. The whole week went quite well, which was surprising to my expectations. I would like to state the weeks progress in two parts emotional and physical.

Physically, the week started on a very bad note that is on Monday, when I had lot of pain in my lower back and my joints, I am guessing it’s was due to the surgery and wearing up of anesthesia. Rest of the week progressed on a good note, my health started to improve. Mid week I actually gained some conscious of what was happening to my body and I could notice the betterment in my spine and legs, I was still a bit on a stiffer side where I couldn’t walk smoothly or sit a bit relaxed. At the end of the week, there was a bit more less pain in my body and I have started to feel healthier in my spine region already. I still have body ache while walking and little pain in my upper region of right leg thigh, which I am hoping will reduce gradually. As a routine, I used to get up from my bed to do routine activities like toilet and food, continued on my daily hourly exercises and my dosage of medicines. That’s about it as far as my physical development goes.

On my emotional part, this is where things got a bit messy. At the beginning of the week, I doubted myself why I took up this step of surgery, as I was in lot of pain. Mid way the week, although my health was improving mentally I used to keep wondering what might go wrong with me and what will happen to me tomorrow which was tiring to think upon. I was rescued by a tv series but still those thoughts haunted me on what would it be like tomorrow or a small cough used to make me sweat thinking that the surgery is ruined. I am at a better emotional level at the end of the week, still the thoughts revolve in my brain what will happen tomorrow but it is getting better definitely. As an exercise I tried to focus my attention to my body part where I had tiny pain, after focusing it increased considering. My advise again, would be hold yourself up emotionally after the surgery, cause physically in the first week at-least your gonna get better surely.

Thank you for reading, awaiting what unfolds in this coming week.

This blog, SlipoScopic is a place for me to share my current life experience with a herniated disc and more importantly, my post-surgical progress, each week. Read the story of how it all started.

