Is this true? #8

One month – Post Op.

Kedar Undale
2 min readJan 9, 2017


Firstly since there was no major progress during my third week post surgery, I did not post anything. But now that a month is over after surgery I have much more to say.

Well to start with, I feel amazing. I sometimes forget that I underwent surgery and try to do things which I shouldn’t be doing, my body doesn’t take the sudden change and I am reminded of my surgery. My medicine dosage are reducing every week, my pain killers are completely stopped and I am continuing to do my hourly exercises because of which I can feel my back and my leg muscles getting stronger each day.

Now, speaking about pain. The pain in my right leg upper thigh has reduced a lot, although there is still a tiny prick when I roll over on that side. The incision wound is healed up completely, I can just feel the stitch now when I touch it. Some days there is some pain in my left leg, the immediate next day that pain goes away so I guess that’s normal.

The most satisfying part was that I was allowed to take bath, it was the best feeling ever. Taking a bath and combing my hair gave me a feeling of going back to normal. I take bath every alternate day which is great. I also shaved once, it was a bad experience though, I realized that when I stand still in one position the pain increases in both my legs but when I move or walk there is not much pain. So I avoid standing for longer periods, I have no problem now sitting for half an hour. I can wear my clothes myself now, which previously was not possible cause I couldn’t bend much. I still can’t lift heavy objects, I can feel the pain when I lift something heavy like a plastic chair or a jug full of water. I am getting bored a lot these days sleeping whole day, but my friend keeps me entertained by talking on phone.

Overall it’s been a wonderful month, walking again on my own feet seems like a dream, some days. I am really glad that I underwent the surgery. Well, that’s about it guys, thank you for reading.

This blog, SlipoScopic is a place for me to share my current life experience with a herniated disc and more importantly, my post-surgical progress, each week. Read the story of how it all started.

