Same yet different #7

Two week – Post Op.

Kedar Undale
3 min readDec 29, 2016


15 days up my surgery and as far as the pain goes, there is no pain in my right leg or my right thigh at all. Some days during evenings there is slight pain under my thigh but next morning even that disappears. Pain sometimes increases on its own but it reduces also. My back sometimes still sores up when I sit for more than half an hour while having lunch or dinner. I get plenty of sleep these days, I am almost always sleepy. I guess it’s because of the many sleepless nights that I had before surgery. Also, I think 10% of my pain is due to my mind playing games, that is when I think of pain, it escalates. One new thing was meeting the doctor. Doctor had told me to meet after 15 days post operation, so me along with my parents went to Kolhapur to meet him.

I felt really good coming out of my home and travelling 110kms after 15 days. The journey was relaxing with no pain at all, I enjoyed the whole experience of travelling, I can’t recall the last time when I had traveled so smoothly. Only during speed breakers or potholes there used be slight prick in my back but that’s about it. On reaching the place, it was a bit difficult while getting out of the car. Upon entering the hospital, I felt pain in my right leg while climbing the steps. Since doctor was in operation theater, I layed down for a while, which eventually reduced my pain. We then met the doctor, he said that my progress was on right track , I was glad hearing this. Also, I am advised to reduce my weight as much as possible, I don’t know how I am going to achieve that with this continuous bed rest. The only down side is that I will have to continue the same routine what I was doing, for one and half month more that is till the first week of February. This includes following hourly exercise and doing my basic routine activities like having food or going to the bathroom. Now that the incision wound has healed up completely, I could finally take bath now, I was happy listening to this. 15 days of no bath had made my body rough and itchy due to the cold weather.

Sleeping all day can be a bit boring but I try to motivate myself watching movies or any tv series. Right now if anyone is wondering whether to do the surgery or no, I would highly advise them to go for it. Seeing my progress in this last 15 days, I wish I had done it earlier and gotten rid of my pain. I hope that after my next visit to the doctor, he will ask me to walk for a while at-least and let me sit more. I doubt I will be able to go to work any soon but my hopes are up seeing my progress. Hoping for the best.

This blog, SlipoScopic is a place for me to share my current life experience with a herniated disc and more importantly, my post-surgical progress, each week. Read the story of how it all started.

