Test Drive #3

Kedar Undale
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2016

The drive to Kolhapur on 2nd of December with my mom and dad was pain free, thanks to all the pain meds. No matter how hard I tried to compose and console myself about the surgery, the fear and anxiety refused to budge. At this time, I was still hoping to avoid the potential surgery. But, as soon as I stepped out of the car, the pain hit back. My walking limp that forced my body to lean constantly leftwards didn’t help.

The neurosurgeon’s medical examination was the hardest check up I have ever been through — ranging from making me lift my legs up while lying down to walking on my toes. My right leg lifted about ten degrees and my left, about thirty. I think that was the moment when I faced the fact that there was no way I could avoid surgery. The Doc said that my right leg didn’t have enough energy and waiting around would only reduce it further.

Once that was decided, I went through a battery of tests — an MRI, some blood tests, an ECG and X-rays and they only made the pain worse. Thankfully, everything else except the Herniation between L4-L5 was normal. In fact, the herniation had gone slightly more berserk than before.

The Doc declared 3rd of Dec, the very next day as my doom’s day, or at least, the day of the surgery. I was dazed but, accepted the situation and the hospital admitted me that evening. I put on a brave face for my parents, one that was newly shaved for the breathing (I think) tube that the nurses wanted to put in my throat. I had dinner and not wanting to feel alone, texted my friend that night. I thanked her for that and hoped for the best, dozing away in no time.

This blog, SlipoScopic is a place for me to share my current life experience with a herniated disc and more importantly, my post-surgical progress, each day. Read the story of how it all started.

