3 tips to start winning at team knowledge

3 min readSep 15, 2017


Why do you spend hours handpicking and building a team? To handle greater workload (obviously). But most importantly, to get your team to create magic together.

To effectively bring some real team mojo, you need to be able to share their knowledge. So why is it so difficult to let your team impart their insights to one another?

The most common mistakes we’ve noticed are actually pretty simple to address. Here’s how:

1. Your knowledge is multi-faceted

It’s time to expand your definition of team’s knowledge. Let go of the idea that knowledge strictly means cold, hard facts, how to’s and processes. Every single piece of content that your team produces daily also constitutes your team knowledge. I’m talking about meeting notes, roadmaps, to do’s etc.

Rethink your team knowledge as stock and flow. Centralize it and you’ll trigger a natural flow of team collaboration and sharing.

That’s why we built Slite as a collaborative note app. The familiar notes format is adapted to stock and flow. More importantly, it’s simplicity drives your team to create knowledge every day.

2. Your knowledge should be accessible

Your team’s knowledge is stored away in the remote corners of a drive, or company wiki, or intranet. Far away from where your team’s day-to-day work is actually happening.

The fact is, knowledge evolves. This is the power of team magic: new processes emerge, new insights are brought into the overarching vision, new intuitions become full-fledged strategies. With all this excitement, it’s easy to get caught up and forget to update processes, best pratices and templates.

This is why Slite is meant for daily, interconnected use. We realized that if you place knowledge at the center of your team’s workflow, it’s far more likely to be leveraged and stay maintained.

3. Your knowledge must be collaborative

Your knowledge platform feels less like a collective idea-board and more like a dusty encyclopaedia. That’s because most knowledge management platforms are constructed to work in a top-down, manager-employee relation.

One of the objectives of your knowledge management strategy should be for employees themselves to feed your processes with their ideas, their insights. After all, they are in the front lines. They feel the pulse of the business. And they share insights with one another around the water cooler.

Slite is built to bring the free-flowing, ease of conversation to knowledge creation and dissemination in your team. And by switching to an oral culture to a written culture for your team’s knowledge, you are much better equipped to implement new processes, onboard new teammates, and find your new, killer idea.

Slite: make winning at team knowledge easy

Basically, our way of managing knowledge on a team scale is broken. Fixing it means expanding the way you think of knowledge, making it the center of your team’s day-to-day and building it together.

We’re taking all these issues head on with Slite: the first note app for teams. By providing a space where all your team’s content naturally turns into dynamic knowledge, we’re helping teams win at knowledge management.

If you want to join the movement, check out Slite.com.



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One combined workspace. All your team documentation.