Knowledge is the new cool — Slite’s manifesto

Christophe Pasquier
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2017

What exactly do we mean by knowledge? Knowledge is processes, how-tos, and all of your onboarding documents. But that’s just a start. It’s also meeting notes and strategies, roadmaps and specs, templates and day-to-day learnings.

Knowledge is any piece of content produced by your team that retains value over time. Knowledge is the coolest.

Knowledge is at the forefront of the upcoming transformation of work. We are building Slite to give teams the tool they need to capitalize on it and to embrace new ways of working.

Transparent 👌

Your team’s information is spread across many different tools, because your teammates understand the value of using the right tool for the right task. One consequence of this is that your team have more powerful insights at their disposal. Another consequence is that all these insights are compartmentalized and hard to get to.

Putting transparency at the heart of your knowledge means giving your teammates one place to write and find all relevant information. It means giving them the means to work, innovate freely and to learn from each other. Eventually it empowers your team and brings them together.

Slite is your one stop for all the information that matters. At a glance, you can get a clear vision of what’s new in your company’s knowledge. In an instant, you can collaborate on it with your teammates.

Written culture💡

Your team is constantly learning, yet time that should be spent putting these learnings down is seen as pain-staking work. Yet, think of what the transition from oral to written tradition represented to our species. The same goes for your team: it needs writing to keep learning and growing, and to do so it needs the right tool.

This is why we designed Slite to be as minimal as possible: easy editing, no-brainer sharing, and bare-bones formatting. This is possible because we use notes, the simplest medium to put information down. It allows you to keep things as simple as possible and empowers your team to write.

Nomad 🏖

Before, teams went where work happened — the office. Now, work happens where your team is. This shift is huge.

The main consequence of this shift: remote work and asynchronism require transparency. In order for your team to keep moving while being in different locations and on different schedules, it needs to collaborate more than ever before.

Slack and similar chat apps handle the communication, Slite handles content and knowledge.

Get your team on the same page

With Slite, we are building a knowledge management tool that takes into account knowledge in all its forms. We are building a productivity tool that takes into consideration what productivity means today. We are building a collaborative note app to bring the simplicity of notes to teams.

And the implications for your way of getting work done are huge. By opening up company knowledge and letting it grow organically, your team can keep moving the boundaries of your business in new directions and keep transforming its way of working towards an easier, more rewarding and more collaborative future.

That’s just the beginning. Find out more at, we’re currently in limited access but we’ll be happy to exchange on your needs.

Thanks for reading folks ✨ 👋 don’t forget to recommend our manifesto if you feel like this is the future 🚀. We’re growing fast and have amazing opportunities. If you think you can bring us your magic and want to build the future of collaboration, drop us a line at

