How to make your video content viral

Herman Poleschuk
SLON Media
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2018

If you want your video content to go viral, you definitely should rely on social media channels above all. Social media is at the center of attention for most businesses and marketing professionals. This fertile territory has been a crucial part of online marketing during the last decade. Successful tactics are always a subject of discussion among experts; all of them have their own benefits and drawbacks. However, one thing can be stated clearly:

First of all, you must have great video content

The process of creating a viral video that is able to engage viewers within a few seconds is not only about technical skills — it’s an art. Here are a few tips from Slon Media’s experience and best practices:

Capture viewers’ attention fast

If you want to give your video better chances of going viral, there is no time for a slow build-up. You have to make people glue themselves to the screen immediately. Start interacting with your viewers right away: ask them a few questions they might be interested to find answers to, tell some impressive facts, show visualized stats. Another great point is including calls-to-action helping to keep your audience focused and motivated during playback.

Give your video a smooth look

Gone are the days when you could record something with a low-resolution camera and get thousands of shares. Competition is fierce. Of course, it is still possible to shoot a great video using your iPhone, but you need to pay attention to many aspects such as picture quality, video stability, light, etc.

Tailor your videos to specific platforms

Social media networks differ and so should your videos. Make optimized video versions for specific social platforms like YouTube, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others.

Make videos easy-to-understand but meaningful

Don’t confront viewers with too much information which is difficult to memorize. Simplify and visualize your facts and stats. You can always attach a link where people can learn more details using video annotations.

Make it short

The most viral videos on social media range from 20 seconds to one minute.

Don’t forget to seed and distribute your video

If you want your videos to reach more audiences then take advantage of Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter or even Linked In video promotion.

More and more people are hanging around social media sites almost every day. In fact, 80% of internet users are on Facebook. This just means, you can reach out to more audience through utilizing social media ads.

You can leverage your advertising by targeting your audience based on hundreds of factors. This way, you are gaining access to a more specific group of market that could possibly benefit from watching your videos

Optimize Your Video for Search Engine

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) works. In fact, it has helped many companies boost and grow their businesses online. And yours is not an exception.

SEO is not only about understanding what potential customers search for, but it is also about making sure the content is shareable and linkable.

By simply knowing what your prospects are in search for, you’ll be able to create online content that is highly relevant and engaging. And a greater chance to gain more likes, love, and share.

About Slon Media

Remember, it’s difficult to predict whether a video goes viral. Only a deep knowledge of your market niche coupled up with outstanding video editing skills and social media marketing expertise can do magic. This is what our team at Slon Media can help you with. If you need assistance or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact me here!



Herman Poleschuk
SLON Media

CEO and Founder of video marketing company Slon Media. We help companies with creation and promotion of visual content on social platforms.