We are All Refugees

Unless you are Native American, you or your immediate ancestors came to America seeking refuge.

1 min readFeb 11, 2017


“Refuge” : a place of shelter, protection, or safety

Whether escaping direct persecution from standing up for freedom as with so many Iranians over the past 30 years,

Or escaping general war and destruction as from Syria in the past few years or from Lebanon a generation ago,

Or escaping famine and poverty such as those who came from Ireland during the potato famine a hundred years ago,

Or Puritans escaping religious persecution in England,

Or getting kicked out of Germany for draft-dodging like The Donald’s grandfather Friedrich Trumpf,

We all came here seeking refuge. Let’s not close the door behind us.




fashion activist raising awareness about climate change + human rights. designer & founder of: http://slowfactory.com