How to slow the world down without unplugging from the reality

Katerina Kirillova
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2019

How to slow the world down without unplugging from the reality, or life in the #slowtheworld format

Life in a large metropolis does not stand still and dictates its rhythm, that we strive to follow. Magazines and news feeds are full of headlines about people constantly living in a ‘hi-speed mode’ — you have to keep up with the trends, be it fashion or other spheres. Nowadays it takes only a few minutes to have a snack, exchange information and make an acquaintance. But how often do we realize where this path leads? Perhaps it leads far away from what we want.

Let’s imagine for a moment that we have fallen out of civilization and ended up somewhere without any people around. The time flow has slowed down and is now very different. What is happening is very unusual, it is difficult to get used to existing without the stream of information and people around. But all of these is absent. There is not a single soul or a thing around. While the time keeps passing by… Then comes the realization that there is Me, here and now. We begin to notice our needs, desires, emotional and physical states, that we would often fail to pay attention to. And they do not always agree with the activities we are used to and that we throw ourselves into from day to day. And in order to find it out, it was enough to fall out of everyday hustle and bustle.

When it comes to stops, it is important to understand that they are not equal to stagnation — far from it. We do not stop living and do not say “no” to everything. On the contrary, we plunge into a deeper world — the world of ourselves. We start growing deeper. We no longer try to make it everywhere, but apply selective approach and choose what we really need.

This is where the #slowtheworld concept comes to our rescue. It contains exactly what people lack so much nowadays — less multi-tasking and more conscious life here and now, an understanding of their potential and how to make the most of it. #slowtheworld can be called a lifestyle for people for whom it is important to find a balance between work, leisure and personal life. For those who do not strive for progress for the sake of progress, for a thoughtless upgrade of a person into a super-being.

How can it be achieved? There is no universal answer to this question. But first, it is necessary to stop running and listen to yourself — feel your body, understand your needs and emotions (the word your plays a very important role, because often we follow somebody else’s path without knowing it). In other words, “move slowly and fix things” — move more slowly, but build along the way, instead of rushing and destroying (even unconsciously) what we come across along the way.

There is no universal answer to the question why we are all rushing headlong. Everyone will have their own explanation to this, as well as why they want to immerse deep into themselves. We will not be able to become supermen from the Marvel universe, reconstruct our brain like robots, or change the genome code. But we have a more powerful tool — the ability to understand our needs and desires well, as well as to discard the unnecessary, for which, often, a technological upgrade of human mind and body is required.

After all, the best of what we need is hidden in ourselves. And in order to understand this, you need to slow down and look within yourself)



Katerina Kirillova

Entrepreneur and Coach on a yoga mat ⚠️ Founder of ⚠️ Founder of Community 📖 Writer 🌎 Moscow•NY•London•Bali