Human Body Engineering

Katerina Kirillova
Published in
5 min readMar 29, 2019

Author: Sara B. Levi

We introduced the Ayurveda topic in the previous article and deepened some fundamental elements of this medicine, the Doshas, or 3 biological categories into which human beings are divided.

We know that every living thing, plant, animal and even countries, is made up of a unique mix of these 3 Doshas.

If similar, nobody is the exact reproduction of another.

Take for example the musical notes. Come to think of it, it’s great!

There are only 12 notes between any octave, and then the octave repeats. All any artist can offer this world is how they see those 12 notes. That’s it.

But what we find from the birth of the history of music, is the apparent infinity of possibilities that each author has created, creates and will create.

The key to eternal youth

While similar melodies and living creatures are unique in their kind.

Tradition teaches us through Ayurveda to take care of precisely this, our biological uniqueness.

The western world has been pushing for years producing many junk diets, fashions or trends that we feel obliged to follow to have a lean physique, defined muscles, unlimited energy, all just in the way to appear.

The final goal of this bunch of products, pieces of information, suggestions, is always the same: to sell.

We sell an idea of beauty, an idea of what is right and what is not, without diving into the fundamental element, the key to eternal youth: every diet or physical activity must be reread and reworked by being unique in our genre.

We don’t always need someone to tell us what to eat, how, what time, what supplements to take.

We need to learn to listen to our own body and, personal instruction booklet in hand, readjust diets and physical activities that come from the outside world.

Our biological engine is much more intelligent and aware of any notion or opinion that can come from the outside.

Engine and Fuel

Imagine buying a car, a car that you love to die for.

A flaming Ferrari.

The jewel of mechanics is finally in your garage, you mount, turn it on, but you notice that there is no petrol.

So, you stop by the first gas station you meet and ask for a full tank of diesel.

The gas station tries to tell you that your new beautiful car needs gasoline, but you insist on diesel.

Diesel is what you were used to with your previous car, or diesel is what you read in your favourite magazine for a Ferrari.

The gas station does not insist.

Pay the full price and leave satisfied.

At the first traffic light, you find yourself next to a splendid small vintage Fiat 500, one of those cute and romantic cars, an icon of Bella Italia.

Indeed not a car like yours, which undoubtedly represents another type of Italian style; in the engines and in power there is no comparison, they are two completely different things, but you recognise and appreciate the style and the charm of both.

You exchange a smile of greeting with the driver of the Fiat, the traffic light turns green, and both gear up the gear ready to go.

But while the little Fiat moves away, your Ferrari stays still.

The ignition turns idle, and after several attempts, you realise that the engine is gone.

Result: tow truck and cleaning of the entire engine, damaged by. . . The wrong type of fuel!

Human Body, the most perfect and complex of engines

The good news is that as far as mechanical engineering can be, nothing compares to the genius assembled of atoms, energy, electromagnetism and genetics, which form our body.

We have a system that can, most of the time, regenerate and remedy defects of nature and malfunctions created by unaware management of the instrument.

But all this is not eternal and undoubtedly needs our help. We must learn to treat ourselves well, to work together with the magnificent set of technology that is contained in our body: the body is a gift, a vessel, a magical and superb instrument that has been given to us to experience this life, and it is our responsibility to take care of it and respect it.

This is the primary purpose of Ayurveda.

Dosha and Food

How we feed ourselves, with what and when they represent one of the most essential activities for maintaining a healthy body and a stable mind.

The synthesis of food contributes not only to the energy we need but also to hormonal balance, sleep quality and longevity.

The natural tendency of Doshas is to go out of balance: finding out about their constitution and learning to listen to the sensations that the body communicates about certain types of nutrients before ingesting them, become a substantial part of the self-care process.

Below is an official ayurvedic list of foods that contribute to balance and imbalance for each of the three Doshas.

As you can see, there is no objectively right or wrong, everything is relative.

It is important to underline that this list DOES NOT WANT TO SUGGEST THE CREATION OF A DIY DIET, but it is reported here only to inform and educate.

To learn more about your Dosha scheme, consult a qualified Ayurveda physician.

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Katerina Kirillova

Entrepreneur and Coach on a yoga mat ⚠️ Founder of ⚠️ Founder of Community 📖 Writer 🌎 Moscow•NY•London•Bali