Affordable Full-Frame Mirrorless Comparison | Sony A7C VS Nikon Z5 VS Panasonic S5

SLR Lounge Staff
SLR Lounge
Published in
13 min readMar 1, 2021


A lot of new cameras came out in the last year! Do you have your eye on one or two of them, maybe? Now, there are more affordable full-frame cameras on the market; a few are hitting the ~$1,999 price point, and some are even cheaper! (You’ll still need to buy a lens, of course.)

Three new full-frame mirrorless cameras in particular caught our eye this past year; all of them are very new, cutting-edge technology, and all of them make very attractive offers: The Sony A7C, the Nikon Z5, and the Panasonic S5. These are the newest and/or the most affordable options in each companies’ lineup.

If you’re shopping for your very first full-frame camera, which one is right for you? There is no clear answer; each one has strengths and weaknesses, and the decision will come down to the type of photography (and definitely video!) you shoot.

In this article, we are going to compare these three cameras, and give you a clear winner depending on your style and needs! One of these cameras is probably perfect for you.

New Full-Frame Mirrorless Cameras In 2020 & 2021



SLR Lounge Staff
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