Where developers find resources in 2017?

Discover the first edition of the Dev Resources Landscape

Gabriel Szanto
2 min readJan 3, 2017


Developer Landscape to find resources in 2017

Developers can find resources (code, tutorials, demos, libraries, frameworks, etc.) from a multitude of sources. There is actually an overload of sources and we, at SlugBay, aim to organize all this information and make it easily accessible to developers.

For the first time, we’ve mapped the main actors in this ecosystem.

Of course, this list is not exhaustive — it’s not the point. But it will be more documented over time.

👉 You can download the png version here.

Contribute to the sources

Don’t see a familiar source or your logo? Send me an email at gabriel@slugbay.com.

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P.P.S. If you’re interested in SlugBay and want to get in on the beta faster, sign up and then send me an email. ✉️ ⚡



Gabriel Szanto

Founder La French Touch Podcast | Product Freelance | Previously at Apple, Google, more.