5 Reasons to Mine Zcash with Slush Pool

Braiins | Slush Pool
Braiins | Slush Pool
3 min readApr 20, 2017

Dear Miners,

we have introduced support for Zcash mining today. That is quite a huge step for us, as we have focused solely on Bitcoin and merged mining so far. We have already described you what is interesting about Zcash and how to setup your mining operation. But the main question remains: Why should you mine Zcash with Slush Pool?

From now on, all our Product Updates and Mining Insights will be published on the Braiins blog. If you follow us on Medium and want to continue getting notified when we publish new content, you can subscribe to our blog mailing list. We really appreciate your support!

Worker Management

Having a larger mining farm and monitoring all the workers can be annoying and sometimes pretty confusing. To make it easier for you, we offer worker overview, where you can see information about the workers state, recent and scoring hash rate etc. You can even give your hard-working friends some cool names and label them. However, the most beneficial thing to set up is workers alert limit. If the effective hash rate drops below the limit, we will let you know so you can swiftly fix the issue and do not lose much of the profit.

Advanced Account Security

Today, two factor authentication is a necessity, especially when it comes to money. We support not only the most common standard called one-time password (Google Authenticator etc.), but also the new standard Universal 2nd Factor. There are many great things about U2F, but the main one is that the secret is never sent over the Internet. U2F is a hardware solution, so you will need a hardware token.

Zcash + TREZOR = ❤

If you have the TREZOR Wallet, you can use this device as the U2F hardware token. And not only that — since this January the wallet also supports storing and managing your Zcash coins. That means this one device will significantly improve security of your digital assets.

Real-time Stats — Even on Your Phone

If you like keeping an eye on things, you can always visit your web dashboard. It includes detailed real-time breakdown of the pool performance as well as the performance of your mining farm. All of the important information is also available in our brand new mobile app for Android and iOS. Using the app, you do not even have to actively seek the information. Just set up some notifications and the app will notify you when something important happens.

Reputation & Trust

We are cryptocurrency industry pioneers, mining Bitcoin since 2010. In fact, Slush Pool is the world’s first mining pool. Many have come and gone since then, but we are still here. and we have helped our fellow miners to deliver over one million bitcoins. We also believe in the original purpose of mining pools — stabilization of mining income — so we try to maintain neutrality and not to make important political/technical decisions on behalf of our miners. We do not own any hash rate, we are just pooling it. And we act upon that.

No Pool Fees!

To kick things off, we will not charge you any fee. All of the mined coins will go to the miners. And what is important, the same applies to the profit from network transaction fees, which is often kept by other pools.

What is Next?

We would like to emphasize that this is not some kind of experiment. Zcash mining is getting full attention here, just like Bitcoin. It took us many months to develop and thoroughly test our Zcash mining system. We have already successfully mined over 20 blocks during the private testing stage and we are hungry for more. Still in beta however, so please be considerate to us if some minor issue occurs.

As you are reading this, we are already working on some improvements and new features. The most important of them is probably hash rate proof, which allow miners to independently verify that their submitted work has been accounted for.

Stay tuned! Slush Pool

From now on, all our Product Updates and Mining Insights will be published on the Braiins blog. If you follow us on Medium and want to continue getting notified when we publish new content, you can subscribe to our blog mailing list. We really appreciate your support!



Braiins | Slush Pool
Braiins | Slush Pool

Braiins | Slush Pool — world's first Bitcoin mining pool with more than 1.25M BTC mined since 2010 www.braiins.com