Slush Pool AI

Worker Management

Braiins | Slush Pool
Braiins | Slush Pool
4 min readOct 6, 2016


Notice the Auto-worker
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Hello Miners!

Today, I would like to explain how does my Worker Management feature work. As you may have seen from the video, Worker Management is designed to bring about the ease of use when maintaining a large scale of workers. With this feature, having a large quantity of workers connected will not inconvenience you, the user, in any way. On the contrary, it will help to keep your workers well-arranged, so you always know which one is doing what.

What is a worker and what is a miner? A miner is your mining device. When connecting to Slush Pool, your miner will be connected to a worker. So why should you have more than just one worker? First, it divides the job between your miners, giving you a more granular control over them. Second, it helps you to maintain an overview about the performance of your individual mining machines, if you set up one miner — one worker.

What are the advantages of Worker Management?

As this system is designed with hundreds or even thousands of workers in mind, mostly the big miners will benefit from this. When connecting miners, the system will connect them to a worker, based on the login used. This will happen even if the worker does not exist; the system will automatically create one.

login: userID.workerName

Apart from miner setup, everything else is automatic. there is no necessary user-input beyond entering the worker name in the login, making it easy for you to just plug-and-play. This feature is especially helpful for large-scale operations, where additionally setting up thousands of workers manually would consume precious labor time.

But the neat worker overview and its features help our small miners as well. With the auto-worker feature, you, the miner, can rest assured that even without naming the miner at login, it will continue to mine on your account (by logging in with just the userID and without the workerName). No Hash Rate is ever wasted. This maintains the ease of use, in case you do not want to distinguish between miners — zero-work maintenance.

Useful Tips

Did you know that you do not need to have a password, in order for your worker to mine into your worker’s account?

Did you know that you can connect multiple miners to one worker? The best practice is, however, one miner — one worker.

Did you know that you can delete a worker only after 24 hours of no activity? This is for the hash rate to be saved properly and the rewards to be calculated correctly.

Advanced Features

Now, let’s take a detailed look at some of the Worker Management’s advanced features!

Names are straightforward to use. You can name your worker so you can identify it easily, (names are set up at login). But labels can help you further differentiate between the workers. Say, you have mining rigs set up all around the world. If you separate them by location and label them accordingly, you can track their uptime based on geolocation.

For example, if 50 of your workers went suddenly offline, by analyzing their labels, you can see where it happened. If it all happened in one location, you may assume it’s a location issue, not a worker issue. This makes your maintenance task a lot simpler!

With filters, your overview gets clearer. You can decide which group of workers to see, by their labels, or by their hashrate. Check those which are working, underperforming, or not submitting any shares! Try filtering between workers and you will see how much quicker the task has just become.

Filtered: Low or Off workers with 1-day Hash Rate higher than 100 GH/s

You can also set up monitoring for each worker separately, should you choose so. By clicking on a worker name, you enter individual setup, where you can adjust the options to your liking. Or, you could make your life easier, and select multiple workers to configure an entire group with the same settings.

Welcome to the future of mining! #MineAsOne

From now on, all our Product Updates and Mining Insights will be published on the Braiins blog. If you follow us on Medium and want to continue getting notified when we publish new content, you can subscribe to our blog mailing list. We really appreciate your support!



Braiins | Slush Pool
Braiins | Slush Pool

Braiins | Slush Pool — world's first Bitcoin mining pool with more than 1.25M BTC mined since 2010