Boost your business with better Email Marketing and CRM Integration

Smack Thoughts
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2017

Your business is picking up steam with a number of Leads gained from periodical email follow ups and you have made a wisest choice of setting up a CRM application to help your sales & marketing team close more deals. Great. However, you notice that most of them still rely on email campaigns to connect with Leads & Customers.

So do they need to juggle between CRM & Email marketing tool?

Certainly not. Vtiger MailChimp Integration magically integrates your MailChimp & CRM, and equips your sales and marketing team with finer details about a Lead, Prospect or Customer. You no longer have to go through the hassle switching between your CRM and MailChimp

Keep your records updated

A 2-way Leads and Contacts sync ensures that the entities are automatically updated in both Vtiger CRM and MailChimp. With Vtiger MailChimp Integration, even with automation you can keep your application more optimized. Because during sync, the existing info are not overwritten. Instead, it skips the entry and prevents duplicates.

Add New Leads from MailChimp

Opening the lines of communication between the application can increase the chance of potential Leads flow from your email marketing tool MailChimp to CRM. But, everyone has a unique way of doing things, especially cross-application. Even though the entries in Vtiger CRM differs from MailChimp and vice versa, Vtiger MailChimp Integration can efficiently handle these situations with List mapping to relates the entry with their corresponding entity.

Comprehensive return on investment

Integrating your Vtiger CRM and email marketing tool MailChimp allows you to determine the true ROI of a campaign. Vtiger MailChimp Integration enables both application to work together and helps you track the results of your marketing campaign. You can gain insight into conversion by seeing how many prospects responded to your call to action. And what’s really valuable for your customer can be tracked within your Vtiger CRM.

Integrating your CRM and email marketing tool MailChimp can increase efficiency, ROI and customer base. And Vtiger MailChimp Integration helps you to efficiently get this done. For more info, you can talk to us at support[at]smackcoders[dot]com or kindly leave us a comment below.

Originally published at Smackcoders blog.

