Design your Custom Post Type using All In One Custom Fields

Fenzik Joseph
Smack Thoughts
Published in
5 min readJul 12, 2021

Custom fields are the one that converts a simple blogging website into a Content Management System (CMS). WordPress is one of the powerful CMS. With WordPress default custom post, you can create simple custom field templates and publish the data in WordPress. Moreover, create custom field with relevant plugin can establish your site into a beautiful web page. Design custom post types in WordPress using All In One Custom Fields plugins. It a part of Tools Engine plugin which allows you to create and manage multiple custom post templates without any complexities.

What is custom post?

Apart from regular post, a custom post, page or taxonomies in WordPress is used to add excess beauty to a website. These post data are called as metadata. You can write or edit additional information using custom fields.

The All-In-One Custom Field plugin allows you to create custom template for post, page, taxonomies and other with certain respective targets. It will be explained in detailed below. This tutorial post guides you to install and work with AIO Custom Fields plugin.

How to Install All In One Custom Fields?

Firstly, to create custom post fields in WordPress download the Tools Engine package from

Install AIO Plugin in WordPress

There are two methods to install and activate a plugin in WordPress. You can directly install it from or else you can install as an FTP user. To activate the plugin from desktop follow the below mentioned details.

  • Download All In One Custom Field plugin from
  • In the WordPress plugin menu click on “Add new” and then upload the plugin from the system.
  • After uploading click on “Install” and later activate the plugin.

Install and Activate using FTP

  • As an FTP user, insert the downloaded file directly into “wp-content/plugins”.
  • Lately, extract the files.
  • Then the process continues the same as regular plugin installation.

Create Custom Post in WordPress?

To create custom post in WordPress using Tools Engine, click on the Add new button. Later, set a template name i.e) Field Group name. All In One Custom Field plugin groups 28 supported post file types in 5 different categories. They are the basic, advanced, options, relationship and layout.

You can easily drag and drop the post type field. Also, you can change its position based on the purpose. While inserting the field format, two views are there one is Limited or smart view and the other is Advanced view. The smart is same for all field types but the advanced view various with its purpose.

The Limited view gains the information of “Field name” and the “Field Label. Also, you can set whether it is mandatory or not. Where as the advanced view differs based on the field type.

Basic Features

The basic category includes text, text area, images, gallery, email, WYSIWYG and numbers.

Text Field is used to add a sentence and the number field is to add numeric values. The email is used to add standardized format emails. The text area is used to add a group of sentences. In the advanced view of text, number and email, you can add the information about the instructions, default value, place holder, prepend and append. Text area includes instruction, default value, place holder, now of rows and character limit. Wysiwyg is used to add code details and other content details. To upload media’s click on show media upload button in the advanced view.

In the image and gallery filed mention return type as array or URL or id based on purpose. You can also set the image size and the image type.

Advanced Features

In the advanced category you can add file, OEmbed, color picker, date and time picker, range and password.

In file post type you upload files in three different file formats. CSV or Text or PDF format. Also select the file format to display at the front-end. The OEmbed field is to add YouTube links on the website. Add video display height and weight in the advanced view section.

The color picker is used to add particular color to the session. In the date and time picker you can date or time and there are four formats to display or return date and time. The range field is to add a default range value. Password field is to set the secured login data. The advance field is as same as text field for password and range field.

Option Features

The option select, check box, radio button, Button group and true or false. These types of features is used to add choice based custom fields. In the advanced view provide the details of the choice list.

Relationship Features

The relationship features includes links, URL, post object, users, relationship and taxonomies. Relate post object, user, relationship or taxonomies with its name or it’s id. Link with URL to maintain a relationship in custom fields.

Layout Features

Message is the only feature that is available in layout category. In message field, you can add extra information in paragraph with or without formatting.

Create custom post group

To create custom post firstly you have to make sure the list items to display in the post or page or some other. Secondly, you have to drag and drop the post type field that you need. Thirdly, if a field misplaced then you can drag and move it forward or backward. Later publish the custom field group. With the publish button you can view active and inactive buttons. While click on publish button, the field group will automatically move to active state. To inactive the group you have to change it manually.

Also, you can add the field group template to page or post or other available in the “assigned to” menu. You can also assign the template to the targeted user and taxonomies. At the end, just add a new post or page where you can find this custom field group at the end. You can add all the customized content to display on the website. While inserting the needed custom fields on the website, you have to mention the short codes at the particular place. Orelse, the content won’t get display. To customize a theme in the same format you can choose the theme code after publishing the custom field group.


Adding custom fields in WordPress is easy with All In One Custom Fields plugin. With this plugin you can customize your WordPress website for your needs. Learn more about AIO Custom Fields plugin and contact us for more information.

