Google Address AutoComplete for your CRM

Fenzik Joseph
Smack Thoughts
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2018

Every sales person hates filling in large number of billing and shipping addresses of Leads, Contacts, Account, etc., and populating those information as your sales person start typing clearly makes their life easier. Sounds great right?

As part of improving your sales person experience and helping you achieve higher sales conversion, Now our Google Address AutoComplete module for SuiteCRM and VtigerCRM can reduce the hassle of typing.

Fill address without chaos

Google Address AutoComplete module in your CRM can bring a smoother and faster address entries. The address suggestions are in the accuracy of Google Maps API. Address AutoComplete can fill-up everything from street, state, country and postcode. Allows salesman to fill accurate addresses.

Turn on/off autocomplete

Take complete control over your address filling in both your SuiteCRM and Vtiger CRM. You can either turn on or turn off for each module in your CRM. The more flexible nature of the module, can help you to adjust the functions in the way you want.

Simple module with powerful benefit

Google Address AutoComplete can increase your sales conversion, and almost 30% time saving and reduce typo errors. You save time by no longer filling up wrong address information or reaching out to Lead/Contact in incorrect location. Now, your sales person can efficiently take care of other business building tasks.

You can learn more in our Address AutoComplete for SuiteCRM and Address Lookup for Vtiger CRM. With our upgrades and support guarantee you will never have a problem. You can write to us at support[at]smackcoders[dot]com or leave us a comment below for any assistance or enhancements.

Originally published at Smackcoders Blog.

