How to Create or Edit CSV and XML Files to Import into WordPress

Fenzik Joseph
Smack Thoughts
Published in
11 min readMay 30, 2023

CSV (Comma Separated Values) and XML (Extensible Markup Language) are two commonly used file formats for data storage and exchange. CSV files store data in a tabular format where values are separated by commas. XML files, on the other hand, use a hierarchical structure to organize data with tags and elements. In this article, we will explore how to create and also edit CSV and XML files for importing into WordPress.

Create or Edit CSV XML Files to Import into WordPress

CSV and XML File Characters

CSV files primarily use characters like commas, double quotes, and line breaks to separate and format data. The comma acts as a delimiter between each value, while double quotes enclose values containing special characters or spaces. Line breaks indicate the end of a record or row. XML files use tags enclosed in angle brackets (<>) to define elements and their content. These tags provide structure and hierarchy to the data.

How do CSV files help in Your Business?

More or less all commercial platforms are using CSV files to import and export their ecommerce data to and from the database. CSV files are generally faster and consume less memory space when compared to the Spreadsheet. CSV files are handled by various businesses to save posts, products, and other requisite data.

Benefits of CSV Import

It is effortless to Install and child’s play to resolve any changes. Faster to handle the data. It runs in no time to import and export the file.

How to Open a CSV File

To open a CSV file, you can use various text editors or spreadsheet applications. Here are a few popular options:

Using Notepad

Launch Notepad, a basic text editor that comes pre-installed on most Windows computers.

Go to the File menu and select Open. Navigate to the location of your CSV file, select it, and click Open. The CSV file will open in Notepad, displaying the data in plain text format.

Using Notepad++

Download and install Notepad++, a free source code editor and launch Notepad++.

Go to the File menu and choose Open. Find your CSV file, choose it, and press the Open button. Notepad++ will display the CSV file with syntax highlighting and better readability.

Using MS Excel

Open Microsoft Excel, a widely-used spreadsheet application. Click on the File tab >> Open.

Browse to the location of your CSV file, select it, and click Open. Excel will automatically detect the CSV format and present the data in a spreadsheet view.

Using Google Sheets

Open a web browser and navigate to Google Sheets ( Sign in with your account or create one.

Click on the File menu and select Import. Choose Upload and select your CSV file from your computer. Google Sheets will import the CSV file and display it in a spreadsheet format.

Using LibreOffice

Launch LibreOffice, a powerful open-source office suite. Click on the Calc option to open the spreadsheet application.

Go to the File >> Open. Navigate to the location of your CSV file, select it, and click Open. LibreOffice Calc will automatically detect the CSV format and present the data in a spreadsheet view.

Using OpenOffice Calc

Start OpenOffice, another popular open-source office suite. Select Calc from the available applications to open the spreadsheet component.

Click on the File menu >> choose Open. Find your file location and open it.

How to Prepare a CSV file using Notepad++?

Open Notepad++ for Windows and text editor for Mac. On the new file, start to create field names separated by comma values. Add field headers in the first row. Beneath the headers, add the field values.

Save the file with .csv extension by visiting File > Save as > Name.csv

Likewise, you can create your preferred CSV file with various text editors and save it in the .csv extension.

Using Notepad

Launch Notepad, a basic text editor available on most Windows computers.

Start by opening a new blank document. Type or copy and paste your data, ensuring each value is separated by a comma. To indicate a new row, press the Enter key after entering each set of values. Save the file with a .csv extension, ensuring the “Save as type” field is set to “All Files” in the save dialog box.

Using MS Excel

Open Microsoft Excel and enter your data into the cells, with each value in its respective column.

Save the file as a CSV by visiting the File menu, selecting Save As, and choosing CSV (Comma delimited) as the file format.

Using Google Sheets

Open a web browser and navigate to Google Sheets. Create a new sheet by clicking on the “+” icon or open an existing one. Enter your data into the cells, following the desired table structure.

To save the sheet as a CSV file, go to the “File” menu, select “Download,” and choose Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet).

Using LibreOffice

Launch LibreOffice, a free and open-source office suite. Open Calc, the spreadsheet program in LibreOffice. Enter your data into the cells, organizing it into columns and rows.

Move to File >> Save As. Select CSV from “Save as type” and click Save.

Using OpenOffice Calc

Open OpenOffice Calc and enter your data into the cells, ensuring proper column and row alignment.

Select the File menu and choose Save As. Specify the CSV format in the Save as type field and click Save.

Downloading and Opening a Sample CSV File for Importing

To practice importing CSV files into WordPress, you can download sample CSV files from our website. Get access to the collection of sample CSV files. Download the desired file and save it to your computer. Then, follow the previous steps to open the downloaded CSV file in your preferred editor. You can also get sample XMLs by visiting the above link.

How to Edit a CSV File

Editing a .csv (Comma-Separated Values) file is a straightforward process that can be done using a variety of software applications. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to edit a .csv file.

Open the .csv File

Launch a spreadsheet software application like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or a text editor capable of handling .csv files. Navigate to the file location and open the .csv file in the chosen application.

Review the Data

Take a moment to review the data within the .csv file. Familiarize yourself with the columns, rows, and the overall structure of the data. This step will help you understand the information you’re working with and plan your edits accordingly.

Make Changes to the Data

To edit a cell

Locate the cell you want to modify and click on it. Then, simply type the desired changes directly into the cell.

To insert a new row or column

Right-click on an existing row or column, and choose the “Insert” option. This will add a new row or column where you can enter your data.

To delete a row or column

Select the row or column you want to remove, right-click, and choose the “Delete” option. Confirm the deletion if prompted.

Format the Data

If needed, you can apply formatting options to enhance the appearance of the data. This may include changing font styles, adjusting column widths, setting date or number formats, or applying conditional formatting to highlight specific data points.

Save the Edited File

Once you have made the necessary changes, save the edited .csv file. Use the “Save” or “Save As” option in your software application to overwrite the existing file or create a new file with the modifications. Choose the .csv file format when saving to ensure the data remains in the proper format.

Validate the Edited Data

After saving the edited .csv file, it’s a good practice to validate the changes you made. Check the data to ensure that the edits are accurately reflected and that the file still maintains its integrity.

Test Import/Export Operations

If you plan to import or export the .csv file into another system or application, perform a test operation to verify that the edited file functions as intended. This step helps ensure that the data is correctly processed in the target system.

Remember to back up your original .csv file before making any edits to avoid permanent data loss. Additionally, consider documenting your changes or keeping a record of the editing process for future reference.

By following these steps, you can confidently edit a .csv file, modify the data within it, and save the changes for further use or analysis.

How to fix all my CSV data appears in the first column

If you are experiencing the issue of all your CSV data appearing in the first column when opening the file in spreadsheet software, here are some steps to help you fix this problem:

Open the CSV File

Open any preferred spreadsheet software. Navigate to the location where your CSV file is stored and open it within the application.

Check the File Format

Make sure the CSV format is right and also the extension is saved as ‘.csv’ and not in another file extension.

Use the Text Import Wizard

Most spreadsheet software offers a Text Import Wizard or a similar feature to handle CSV files with specific settings. Look for an option like “Import” or “Text to Columns” within the software.

Specify the Delimiter

In the Text Import Wizard, you will be prompted to specify the delimiter used in the CSV file. Common delimiters include commas (“,”), semicolons (“;”), tabs (“\t”), or spaces. Select the appropriate delimiter that separates the fields in your CSV file.

Choose the Correct Data Format

If your CSV file contains numerical data or dates, you may need to specify the appropriate format for each column. For example, you can select “General” for text, “Number” for numerical values, or “Date” for date fields.

Adjust Column Widths

After importing the CSV file, check if the column widths need adjustment. Sometimes, when all the data appears in the first column, it might be due to narrow column widths that are not automatically adjusted by the software. Double-click on the column separators or use the “AutoFit Column Width” option to ensure the data is properly displayed.

Review the Data

Take a moment to review the CSV file’s content and verify that the data is now correctly distributed across multiple columns. Ensure that each field is in its appropriate column and that the rows and columns align as expected.

Save the Corrected CSV File

If the data is now displayed correctly in the spreadsheet software, save the file with the corrected formatting. Use the “Save” or “Save As” option to overwrite the original file or create a new file with the corrected data.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of CSV data appearing in the first column. The Text Import Wizard helps you specify the delimiter and format settings, ensuring that the data is properly separated and distributed across the respective columns within the spreadsheet software.

How do XML files help in Business?

XML lets you extend data when it is needed. What’s more beneficial about XML files for your business, it supports Multilingual.

Benefits of XML File Import

It is faster than any other file format and can store a lot of customized data. XML data can be sent via the Internet. So that it can get access from anywhere.

How to Open an XML File

To open an XML file, you can use various text editors that support XML syntax highlighting and editing. Here’s how to open an XML file:

Using Notepad++

Launch Notepad++ if you have it installed on your computer. Go to the “File” menu and select “Open.”

Navigate to the location of your XML file, select it, and click “Open.” Notepad++ will display the XML file, providing syntax highlighting and improved readability.

Using Code Browser

Launch Code Browser, a versatile code editor with XML support. Navigate to the “File” menu and select “Open” or use the shortcut Ctrl+O. Find and visit the XML file and open it.

Code Browser will display the XML file, providing syntax highlighting and an organized view of the XML structure.

Using Atom

Open Atom and click on the “File” menu. Select “Open” or press Ctrl+O.

Browse your XML file and open it. Atom will load the XML file, providing syntax highlighting and a user-friendly environment for viewing and editing XML content.

Using Edit Plus

Launch Edit Plus, a powerful text editor with XML support and a range of features for efficient editing. Visit the File menu and open the desired file.

Edit Plus will open the XML file, displaying the content with syntax highlighting and customizable editing options.

Using other editors

If you prefer to use a different text editor, ensure that it supports XML file editing. Examples of popular XML editors include Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, and Atom.

Open your preferred editor and use the file navigation options to locate and open the XML file.

How to Prepare an XML File

To prepare an XML file for importing into WordPress, you can follow these steps:

Using Notepad++

Launch Notepad++ if it’s installed on your computer. Go to the “File” menu and select “New” to create a new blank document. In the new document, start defining the structure of your XML file by adding opening and closing tags.

Add elements, attributes, and content within the tags to represent your data. Continue adding tags and nesting them as needed to organize your XML structure. Save the file with a .xml extension, giving it an appropriate name.

Using Code Browser

Open Code Browser, an XML-specific editor that provides features for easier XML file creation. Click on the “File” menu and choose “New” to create a new XML document. Use the editor’s interface to define the structure of your XML file. Add elements, attributes, and content as necessary. Save the file with a .xml extension, providing a relevant name.

Using Atom

Create a new file by going to the “File” menu and selecting “New File.” Begin constructing the XML structure by adding opening and closing tags.

Fill in the tags with elements, attributes, and content based on your XML requirements. Save the file with a .xml extension, choosing an appropriate name.

Using Edit Plus

Start a new document by selecting “New” from the “File” menu. Begin building your XML file structure by adding the opening and closing tags. Populate the tags with elements, attributes, and content specific to your XML data. Save the file with a .xml extension, naming it suitably.

Using other editors

If you prefer to use a different text editor, ensure that it supports XML file creation and editing. Open your chosen editor and create a new document. Follow the XML syntax rules to define the structure and elements of your XML file. Add attributes and content as needed, keeping in mind the hierarchical structure of XML. Save the file with a .xml extension and an appropriate name.

How to edit it?

Open the XML file in Notepad++ or any other XML editor. Review the file’s structure and hierarchy, making sure it adheres to the XML specifications. Ensure that each element is properly enclosed within opening and closing tags (<element>…</element>). Validate the XML file using an XML validation tool or online XML validator to ensure it is well-formed.

How to re-update Data into WordPress?

Export your desired content in XML format. Then edit the data on your exported file. Again import the same file into WordPress.

Bulk Import — What is it?

Bulk import is importing a large amount of data into WordPress. For example, importing more than 1000 records into WordPress.

How to Prepare Bulk Import Files in CSV?

For illustration, the product list has various products with its specification.

To store and update those products listed on the website, you can create 1000’s products in an Excel sheet and save that file in CSV format, and import that CSV file using WP Ultimate CSV Importer.


Creating and editing CSV and XML files for importing into WordPress requires careful attention to formatting, structure, and compatibility. Try to follow the above-explained steps. You can successfully create and edit the CSV and XML files. Remember to validate the file structure, handle special characters appropriately, and use compatible software to open and edit the files. With these skills, you’ll be able to seamlessly manage data imports in WordPress and enhance the functionality of your website. If you want a bulk import and export plugin for WordPress, try the WP Ultimate CSV Importer plugin. The popular Import Export WordPress plugin with many satisfying features.

