The Idea

Sorin Țărmure
Small Academy
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2014


Some time ago, while having a romantic dinner with my soon-to-be business and life partner, we had an idea with a huge potential to become a successful app for children. So we started working on it almost instantly.

The first step was to create some scenarios for our app and validate them with friends and colleagues having kids. Everything we did — from buying a domain name to wire-framing the app — was part of our startup, as we called it.

We knew this was not a startup, but an idea that could become one. Except us and some close friends, nobody else knew about it. So we had to make it known.

The Leap of Faith

It all started a few weeks ago, when we were listening to my favourite radio — Dobro Show at Gold FM. During the show, the guys announced they want to promote startups in a special program, at the radio. All we had to do was to convince them, through a short message on Facebook, that we must be invited at the show and talk about our idea. And we did it.

Mya and me, laughing with the host, remembering our childhood

It all came real when I received a phone call from one of the guys, inviting us at the show. The next morning we were live, talking to a big audience about our project and the whole journey to make the app. It all turned out to be a brainstorming, where lots of features came up and people from the audience offered their support.

Some would say we had the opportunity. I think we took the leap of faith and turned it into one.


Be bold! Make your idea known as soon as possible (there is never such thing as too early). Validate your direction not only with friends, but rather with strangers. They will definitely be more honest with you, compared to your family or friends, who want to be supportive.

The App

Small Academy’s goal is to help children achieve a better knowledge of what they should learn at a certain age, in a way that’s easy to learn and to remember. We aim to provide an interactive environment to children, using a variety of teaching methods. Everything hosted on a device they love and use every day.

The People Behind It

We are a group of enthusiastic people who believe the world can be a better place by changing education for the better. We’ve all worked with children, whether it was in volunteering projects or as a profession for more then 30 years.

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About Us

Mya graduated from Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication and worked with kindergarten children. She now works in the online industry, for a well known digital agency.

Sorin graduated from Faculty of Finance, Insurance, Banking and Stock Exchange and worked for more then 5 years with children. He is a Senior Web Specialist, building and coordinating eLearning websites and applications for schools, high-schools and universities.

