Customer’s Journey Module

Frances Schagen
Small Business Academy
1 min readNov 26, 2018
Photo by Caleb Jones on Unsplash

This module is the Customer’s Journey module. It’s the journey your customers take from realizing they have a problem to you delighting them. The more explicit, easy, practical and valuable you make that journey the more and better customers you will attract.

Telling their Story

The best way to attract more great customers is to tell the stories of your best customers. Bake it into your process and you will capture a steady stream of stories that attract all the best customers.


Your customers want to know what to do next. And next. And next. To get to the outcome they want. Make it easy for them to stay with you until they are ready to buy.


It’s not just about customer satisfaction any more, it’s about customer delight. They have a problem and you have a solution. Your job is to make sure that your solution hits all the needs and wants they have.

Every week I post the next Project. You are welcome to work on it here, ask questions in the comments, answer questions in the comments and let us know how you are doing.

For more resources and deeper discussion, get “6 Stages to Building Your Effortless Business” here.

