Stage 6 — Essential 11 Algorithms

Frances Schagen
Small Business Academy
2 min readAug 19, 2018
“Macro of Macbook computer screen displaying information from server” by Jacob Miller on Unsplash

As you embark on this final stage of building your effortless business, pat yourself on the back, shout a loud huzzah and raise a glass. You are farther along in building your effortless business than the vast majority of small business owners.

Ask most people and they will tell you that the objective in business is getting customers. Most small business owners stop building their business when they are getting customers.

If your objective is to build your effortless business then let’s continue.

There are 11 essential areas of your business. Put algorithms (a set of instructions that gives you a predictable result) in place for each of these 11 essential areas and your business will be effortless.

By effortless I mean that you leverage your efforts to get massive results.

When you watch a large bird riding thermals, it looks effortless; but they had to get themselves there. They have to hold their wings out and steady. They have to read the wind and thermals to know where to go next.

They do the work to get there then they leverage their efforts to make soaring easier.

That’s what these 11 Essential Algorithms will do for your business.

Go to the Foundations Module Here

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