Making Meaning Project

Frances Schagen
Small Business Academy
2 min readSep 14, 2018
“photo of canyon during golden hour” by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash

One of the big factors in happiness, well-being and mental health is to be working towards something bigger than yourself. You will attract more people to your cause than to your business because we are all looking for meaning.

What are you passionate about and how can you weave that into your business?

What is the objective?

To identify what brings meaning to your life and to make it a part of your business.

Why is this important?

When you can bring your passion to your work, you are more engaged and you can attract others to your cause in a way that you can’t attract them to your business.

What do you need to know to do this?

You need to be clear about what is important to you. This can’t be a tactic, you have to truly believe in it and it must be part of your business strategy to be real and effective.

The Project

Dive deep into your passion and see how you can leverage your business to support your work on this cause. Businesses that do this effectively win in a big way. Businesses that slap on a cause tactic are perceived as fake.

In the Small Business Academy, you learn how others are making real change in the world and are doing well while doing good. You get the whole group brainstorming with you.

How will you you know you have succeeded with this project?

You will be making a difference in your cause and you will attract others to your business to help you.

What is important to carry on to the next projects?

This is the final piece of your Personal Plan within the Foundations Module. You require this clarity from your Personal Plan to take into your Business Strategy.

This completes the Owner’s Journey. Next up is the Strategic Plan. The first strategic planning exercise is here

Join small business owners just like you in the free Business Owners Success Club online community for more resources and discussions about this and other projects.

