Serve & Delight Project

Frances Schagen
Small Business Academy
2 min readMay 20, 2018
“A young woman in a red blouse smiling broadly” by Michael Dam on Unsplash

In the beginning, ‘do what is unsustainable’ to delight your first customers.

What is the objective?

Make your customers very, very happy

Why is this important?

It should be the reason you are in business. Happier customers are more profitable customers.

What do you need to know to do this?

Conviction around what you will do and won’t do to make your customers happy. Who your best customers are.

The Project

The Discovery Dance continues as you clarify who your best customers are and what is most important to them about the way you solve their problem. How do they define done? What will delight them? How can you make their experience amazing?

How will you you know you have succeeded with this project?

Your customers will be talking about how happy they are with the work you did for them.

What is important to carry on to the next projects?

Happy customers telling their story.

Every week I post the next Project. You are welcome to work on it here, ask questions in the comments, answer questions in the comments and let us know how you are doing.

For more resources, deeper discussion, personal, robust support and to get the Project Guides join the online Small Business Academy . Registration is open now.

