The End Game Project

Frances Schagen
Small Business Academy
2 min readApr 7, 2018

What is the objective?

To get a clear vision for how your business will end.

Why is this important?

Knowing your endpoint helps you to build your business in a way that will get you to that endpoint. You will build a different business to sell than one to give you and your staff a great life.

What do you need to know to do this?

You need to know your whys and what is important to you in your life.

The Project

You get to build any business you want:

Are you building this to sell it?

Are you looking for a specific outcome?

How many people served? How much money made? How many people employed?

How will you know you have succeeded?

What is the first level of success you will celebrate?

You learn all the ways you can get what you need to make your business support the life you want in the Small Business Academy. I have seen businesses from beginning to end. I know how the decisions you make now will impact you when you are ready to pass your business along.

How will you you know you have succeeded with this project?

You will have identified the elements of the business that will get you where you want to go.

What is important to carry on to the next projects?

Working back from your chosen endpoint, identify the important components of your business and keep them in a way that allows you to check in with them as you build your business.

Every week I post the next Project. You are welcome to work on it here, ask questions in the comments, answer questions in the comments and let us know how you are doing.

For more resources and deeper discussion, get “6 Stages to Building Your Great Business” here.

