Who Project

Frances Schagen
Small Business Academy
2 min readApr 22, 2018

What is the objective?

To identify who might resonate with your problem solution set.

Why is this important?

Knowing who your customers are helps you understand what is important about what you are delivering. Who your customer is tells you what to say, where to reach them and what they need to feel served by you.

What do you need to know to do this?

You build your business for you and your offer for your customers. You need to be clear on what business you are building because this is the start of the Discovery Dance to build your offer for your customers.

The Project

In this project we take a look at who might be your perfect customer. You will identify who has the problem you are solving and of that set who will most likely resonate with the solution you are exploring. We will be looking at real people not avatars.

How will you you know you have succeeded with this project?

You will have a list of names of people who could be your customers.

What is important to carry on to the next projects?

You will use this list of potential customers to begin your dance.

Every week I post the next Project. You are welcome to work on it here, ask questions in the comments, answer questions in the comments and let us know how you are doing.

For more resources, deeper discussion, personal, robust support and to get the Project Guides join the online Small Business Academy . Registration is open now.

