5 Ways to Improve Your Business Agility

Phoebe Strike
Small Business, Big World
3 min readApr 11, 2018

Being able to keep track of your time and money can be a struggle when running a business. Not to mention, your business and the field around it can change based on many different factors. Things like growth, the economy, technological advances, and just the market in general can affect your business.

If you want to be able to keep up in the future, you’ll have to be able to anticipate and adapt fast. Here are five tips on how to improve your small business’ agility in our advancing world:

1. Use what’s in front of you

Your business has or does something that no one else can. This is why your clients value your good or service above your competitors. Use this as one of your main selling point, but don’t make promises you can’t keep. Whether it’s state of the art software or simply good customer service, use it to your advantage.

2. Be responsive

It’s one thing to be efficient and another to be responsive. Your small business could be the greatest at making the desired product but if you’re not able to understand the needs of your clients, it won’t be enough. There will always be something to improve on or a need that isn’t being met. Be prepared to listen to what they want so that you can deliver on what they love and use so much.

3. Have the proper tools

Being able to track your orders or even views on your website can be a big help. Obviously it’s good to know where your biggest clients are and why, but you should also know how often and who else is returning. Often, companies can lose potential clients because of their website. The design could be clunky, sections could be hard to find or read — this can turn away prospective customers.

Knowing how and why you get the traffic and clients you do will help you understand how to keep their attention. Sites like Google Analytics can help you understand how long people remain on your homepage and how many move on to the sign-up or contact section.

4. Stay connected

Having a social media account can be hard when you’re already maintaining a business, but it can make all the difference. Sometimes, clients will take to Twitter to complain or praise a product. Plus, it can allow you to understand who your target market are and where their interests lie so you can market to them properly.

Additionally, LinkedIn is a great tool for networking if you’re staying in contact with overseas suppliers. You can nurture that relationship you already worked so hard to get.

5. Appreciate those around you

Your biggest asset can be your staff and never forget it. Whether it’s just you and a family member or a handful of trusted professionals, there’s always a way to make staff feel valued. Pay increases and benefits are a sure way to do that, but sometimes just having perks like a company lunch or free coffee can have an impact. Just like in every relationship, the little things can add up to something meaningful.

Bonus Tip

One way to improve your business agility is by using an affordable and secure payment platform.

Bank wires can take far too long and are often too costly for what should be a simple task. Worse yet, there’s no way to tell when your money will arrive.

The good news is there is an easier way to make payments through Veem.

Not only is sign up free, it also eliminates fees, cuts out the middleman, and tells you where your money is at all times. With connections in over 80 countries, Veem allows you to make payments to almost anywhere with just a few clicks.

Let go of the past and join the 50,000 businesses across the world sending payments through Veem today.

