It Might Be Time To Sell Your Business

Elfreda Tetteh
Small Business, Big World
4 min readJun 27, 2018

Starting your small business was likely the fulfilment of a long held dream. It’s a remarkable journey, with dizzying highs and crippling lows. It’s possible you planned to run your business all the way to your deathbed, or maybe you hoped to grow it into a large company and hand over the reins to a worthy successor when you were ready to retire.

But for some reason or another, things aren’t going according to plan, and you’re beginning to realize that the small business you started and nurtured might not have a future.

Perhaps it might be time to sell. It’s scary, but there are very valid reasons that should encourage you to cut your losses before it’s too late.

You’re Ready To Move On

For many businesspeople, starting and running onlyone business simply isn’t enough for them. After a few years of stability, the streak of entrepreneurship might start to itch, encouraging them to find another challenge.

If you’re like this, you might be feeling the urge to find another challenge. Perhaps you’ve grown your enterprise to a stage where it can easily run without your input. Or perhaps you’re just bored. If you feel ready to move on, don’t remain in a role that will eventually turn monotonous.

You No Longer Have A Plan

When you were first starting your small business, you must have made a plan. Perhaps, after ten years, you wanted to be hitting a certain profit margin. Or you wanted your products and services to reach a certain number of customers. Ten years have passed and you’re no longer sure what you want to do with the business.

You’re also unsure of how to properly plan for the future. Running a small business is a great way to understand the importance of making knowledgeable plans.

There’s nothing wrong with accepting that you’re unsure of what more you can do for the business. Putting the enterprise you started in the hands of someone who knows how to run businesses like this might be the best thing you can do for your staff, your customers and your legacy.

You’re Exhausted

Going to work no longer makes you happy. You’re constantly tired and running your enterprise almost on autopilot. Stress over the future of your small business is keeping you up at night and making you anxious and irritable. In short, your small business is affecting your mental health.

At this point, it’ll be best to step back for your own sake. Even if you love your business, selling to an interested buyer and taking a smaller role can ensure you stay informed about the decisions that will be made for the company after you relinquish the lead role. And you’ll be healthier. It’s a positive outcome that can benefit everyone.

The Business Is Failing

No matter what you do, your small business isn’t turning a profit. Your product isn’t selling or your customer base isn’t expanding. You’ve tried every trick in the book and you’re at your wit’s end about what to do next. You’re finally ready to throw in the towel. It’s highly likely that your small business needs further investment to help it grow. And it’s highly likely that it’sfurther investment that you don’t have.

Unless you can raise a large amount of money in a very short period of time, you’re looking at the very real possibility of running your enterprise into the ground. Selling to a larger company or a businessperson who is capable of raising the funds could prevent you from having to close your business’ doors permanently.

Just because you’re selling your small business doesn’t mean you have to leave the picture entirely. You can strike a deal with your buyer which will allow you to have a say in the future decision-making of the enterprise.

Whether you decide to sell your business or not, you’re still better off saving as much money as possible. When making payments for your small business, every penny counts. And bank wire transfers are a surefire way to waste money on processes that should be benefitting your business.

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This content was originally published on the Veem blog. Check it out for more information and exclusive articles.

