Whip Out the Branding Iron

Leaving an impression on your customers

Lori Moore
Small Business Branding


When I moved, just like anyone else that settles in new territory, I had to find a new doctor, new dentist, new veterinarian, etc… And most people would go online to somewhere like Yelp! to find out who has the most glowing reviews — yes, I am most people.

So I found a dentist who had dozens of reviews and 5 stars. Great! I called to make an appointment.

I’m going to skip the part about the inviting atmosphere, the pleasant staff, and how genuine the dentist was in greeting me and making sure I was comfortable. I was sold when I walked in.

It’s what happened after my appointment ended that left a mark on me.

Later that evening I get a phone call, it was my new dentist. He was personally checking in on me to make sure I was doing ok. I was impressed! Only to be even more impressed a week later, he called again, asking me if I was having any residual pain and if everything was back to normal in my mouth.

I asked him if he did this with all of his patients.

“Yes! Every single one of my patients is important to me, so I want to make sure that they have the best experience possible.”

Wow! What a stark contrast from every other professional out there that I personally have experienced. Do you think you would return to this dentist? Do you think you would refer him? Combined with all of the other aspects about his practice, I will be his patient for life.

The single most important strategy you can use to maximize the value of all other Branding Strategies you implement into your business is to regularly communicate with everyone who contributes, or ever will contribute, in any way to your business success.

Continual and meaningful communication is a simple, yet very powerful method for getting the most out of your clients, customers, patients and key contacts.

People are bombarded with an inordinate amount of information today. They have more options than ever, they can be as picky as they want to be, and many will research before they decide.

Strategic communication, meaning it’s got to be ongoing, purposeful, personal and must serve the customer, is key in blasting through the noise and taking your Brand to the next level.

Take the time today to sit down in a quiet place and design your Communication Strategy. It’s pretty safe to say that few (if any) of your competitors are communicating in a meaningful way with their customers, here’s your opportunity to take over the market! ☺



Lori Moore
Small Business Branding

Customers On Demand — The Ultimate Small Business Marketing Strategy www.customersondemand.net