Execution is Everything.

Sanford Diday
Small Business Forum
3 min readNov 30, 2016
Be a good shepherd. Execute well and succeed.

A while back we started an agency, and arguably, we’ve done well. We’ve worked with companies large and small, with budgets that vary at least as much, in sectors like FinTech, Consumer Products, SaaS, PaaS, Personal Transportation and Services, Social Listening, Gaming, and more.

We’ve partnered with all kinds of people and organizations and our business continues to grow and receive market recognition, like our recent listing in Entrepreneur Magazine’s — Entrepreneur360 — Best Entrepreneurial Companies in America. Along the way, we’ve built some great relationships and we’ve been a part of some amazing stories. Of course, we’ve also seen our share of trials and tribulations, but the balance of successes/failures provides clear direction both for us and for you.

Regardless of budget, time and again, we found the same core problem as an outlier that’s repeated to the detriment of companies everywhere, and that’s — Execution! — Or, more aptly, a lack thereof.

Fact 1: The future success of your company relies on growth. Fact 2: You cannot grow your company in a meaningful way without first knowing what defines success. Without good execution, neither of these happens.

Our clients often hear us say, “Execution is everything”, because truly, it is. Clients wax on about “innovation”, yet in their zeal to innovate they fail to actually execute, which really means they’re wasting time and money. Fact 3: If you have an awesome idea, but can’t execute a plan, you have nothing. Plain. And. Simple. Fact 4: If you’re not a good shepherd of time and money, you’ll never have more of either. Be a good shepherd … plan, then execute.

In service of market demand, and to help companies like yours execute well, we recreated JrPixels in the form of what we call a ‘Growth Engine’. The Growth Engine is designed with execution to defined endpoints in mind and represents our core value proposition. We augmented our traditional service offerings to include a fully-integrated suite of services that represents the fundamentals of modern business. Now, we’re a turn-key small business solution that places front and center the interests of investors and founders alike.

We successfully built this platform by relying on five core fundamentals. You should rely on them too … 1.) Great People = Great Companies, 2.) Execution is Everything, 3.) You Can’t Do it Alone — Partners Matter, 4.) Mise En Place Your Business — Organized, Transparent, Repeatable Processes Win, and 5.) Success = Revenue, EBITDA, Market Share.

Define your endpoints and succeed. Then, set new goals, define new endpoints, create an execution plan to achieve those endpoints, and then execute again. Rinse and repeat. Admittedly, this is easier said than done, but then again, this is why we exist. We’re here to help if you need us.

We love to chat about business, tech, music, photography, and family, so feel free to drop us a note anytime … oh, and we use LinkedIn a lot too, so check us out there.



Sanford Diday
Small Business Forum

Chief Strategy Officer & Executive Director @theiaanalytics | Advisor @ghostcast | Advisor @opkix | Be a good shepherd.